Page 91 - 2018-19 District 2-X1 Directory - Preliminary
P. 91

The “Pancho Luna Fellowship” was established in 2007, to pay tribute to PDG Francisco X “Pancho” Luna. PDG Luna served District 2-X1 for nearly 50 years (including as District Governor in 1975-76) supporting every charity and giving freely of his time and resources. He was most dedicated to the Texas Lions Eye Bank (now Lions Sight & Tissue Foundation) and was instrumental in changing Mexico Laws to help cornea transplant patients and establishing The Eye Bank of Monterrey, Mexico. PDG Luna, who died in 2006, worked untiringly for LS&TF making him synonymous with the work done. For his dedication and Lionistic work in Texas and Mexico, Lion F.X. “Pancho” Luna was inducted into the “Texas Lions Hall of Fame” in 2001. PDG F.X “Pancho” Luna Award in the LS&TF is $1,000 for a Bronze Plaque. Designate on check “Pancho” Luna Award” & who is the recipient.
Pancho Luna GOLD Fellows
 A. P . Haridas Charles Tupper Deborah Harris Huby Jones
John McGinnis Marco Musico Martin de la Rosa Mike Lott Carmen Hackfeld
Irving DFW Indian Dallas Oak Cliff Irving Noon Day Richardson Host Carrollton Evening Dallas Filipino Dallas Filipino Dallas Oak Cliff Duncanville Evening
Pancho Luna SILVER Award
Inaugural Honoree
Alejandra Luna
Allen High Noon
Robert Connor
Carrollton Evening
Brian Maginness
Dallas Dalcliff- Wynnewood
Gary Payne
Sam Ramos
Dallas Filipino
Tim Decker
Martain De La Rosa Marco Musico
Dallas Founder
Kathy Fletcher
Dallas Womens
Bina Bhuva Purnima Kara Vasanti Kalidas Sushma Malhotra Rupa Mehta
Garland Evening
Neil Roach
PID Leland Kolkmeyer
Duncanville Noon
Dr. William Dover (2) Larry Easley
Joe Kyle
David Malone
Steve Martin
Don McBurnett
Leon Miller
Robert 'Bob' O'Burke John Thompson
Terry L Webb Thomas Wolverton (2)
Plano Early
Ken Gleason
Red Oak
Peter Anderson Fred Smith Carol Smith

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