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The Winner at Grand Prairie Host
DG Elect Henry White and First Lady Mary with the winner of “Lions Club Favorite” at the 5th annual Grand Prairie Host Lions Club Classic Car Show. Funds were raised to benefit the Texas Lions Camp. The Bel Air was selected from more than 70 classic cars, trucks and motorcycles. Pretty cool way "WE SERVE".
Lions Clubs and Lions of District 2-X
As a Past President of the Texas Lions Camp, I just received an April recap of the Hole Sponsors for the Harry Wickersham Golf Tournament that benefits the Texas Lions Camp. I know that many of you in this district share my love of that camp, so I wanted to make each of you aware of this report that goes out all over Texas each month.
To be a Hole Sponsor for this tournament, the cost is $100. A Hole Sponsor can be a Lions Club (you can sponsor more than one hole) or an individual. It could be a company that you do business with (cleaners, drug store, barber shop, beauty shop, etc.)
For April, the District with the most Hole Sponsors was District 2-T3 with $8,000, or 800 Hole Sponsors. The district with the least Hole Sponsors was District 2-T1 with $100, or one Hole Sponsor. Where is District 2X1? I’m sad to tell you that our proud district is at $200, or two Hole Sponsors.
Please go to the TLC website and fill out a Hole Sponsor form and send $100 to become a Hole Sponsor. You can honor a Lion or anyone by writing “In Honor of” or “In Memory of” on the form. Just go to the TLC website,, to sponsor on-line by choosing Golf Tournament and sponsor a hole. I wouldn’t ask you to do anything that I haven’t already done, so please become a Hole Sponsor today.
Past TLC President Ken Gleason 2008-2009 PDG 2012-2013 - PDG 2014-2015
VOLUME 27 ISSUE 12 / JUNE 2017 PAGE 33

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