Page 18 - Lions Link 4-19
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District 2-X1
District 2-X1 Candidates for District Office and Charities Board Directors
and other ballot matters For election on April 27, 2019
A. Lion Vinod Mathur -District Governor (Term 2019-20)
B. Lion Billy Ketner â 1st Vice District Governor (Term 2019-20)
C. LionEsmeraldaRodriguez-2ndViceDistrictGovernor(Term2019-20)
Texas Lions Camp (1 to be elected)
Two Year Term - Director 2019 - 2021
1. Edwin Bateman
Julien C. Hyer Lions Youth Camp, Inc. (3 to be elected) Three Year Terms - Director 2019 - 2022
Governor Elect to appoint
Lions Sight and Tissue Foundation of District 2-X1, Inc. (5 to be elected) Three Year Terms - Director 2019 - 2022
1. Walter Hackfeld
2. Manuel Palavicini
3. Charlene Vezina
4. Governor Elect to appoint
5. Governor Elect to appoint
2-X1 Charities, Inc. (2 to be elected)
Three Year Terms - Director 2019 - 2022
Governor Elect to appoint
Changes to the District 2-X1 Constitution and By-Laws
Proposal to bring these in compliance with the new LCI voting requirements.
Proposed amendment to the District 2-X1 Constitution for Dues Increase
Proposal to increase the member dues by up to $5.00 with the funds being transferred to @-X1 Charities and to be used 90% for Youth Scholarships and 10% for administration of the program.
Selection of an International Board of Directors Candidate from Texas (MD2)
Circle selection of either Ernest âTJâ Tijerina or Ronald Martin.