Page 32 - Lions Link 4-19
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Red Oak Lions Club
Charity Bowl April 13, 2019
Registration 2:30pm – Tournament Begins 3:00pm Hilltop Lanes, Waxahachie, TX
Team Name: _________________________________________ Sponsor Name:_______________________________________
Contact Info Name:_______________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________
4 or 5 Bowlers:
1. __________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________
Mail Registration Form and Fee To:
Red Oak Lions Club PO Box 481
Red Oak, TX 75154
Team Fee: $35 per bowler includes 2 games & shoes
Silver Team: $160 (4 bowlers) $195 (5 bowlers) includes 2 games, shoes and sponsor sign
Gold Team: $200 (4 bowlers) $245 (5 bowlers) includes 2 games, shoes, sponsor sign 50/50 raffle ticket for each bower
1. FormaTeam:$140-4PersonTeam,$175-5PersonTeam Includes: Two games and shoes.
2. Sponsor a Silver Team: $160 - 4 Person Team, $195-5 Person Team Includes: Two games, shoes and Sponsor Sign on Lane
3. SponsoraGoldTeam:$200-4PersonTeam,$245-5PersonTeam
Includes: Two games, shoes, Sponsor Sign on Lane one King Pin Token per bowler
4. BetheKingPin50/50RaffleSponsor:$300
Your business/organization name will be prominently displayed on the King Pin Raffle Game and included in advertising and media coverage.
5. BeaTrophySponsor:$100
Your business/organization can help sponsor trophies for winners. Your business/organization name
will be displayed in the trophy area.
6. BeaPrizeSponsor:
Donate items, merchandise, gift cards for stores, movies, restaurants or services such as oil change, car wash, etc. to be used as raffle prizes. Your business/organization name will be displayed at the prize table.
7. BeaMonetarySponsor:Anymonetarydonationisappreciatedandwillhelpusmakethisa successful event.
For more information on how you can participate please contact: Melanie Petersen at 214-864-8014 or email: mpetersen@winstead.com30