Page 12 - Music Brochure Fall 2020
P. 12
HERITAGE (her-i-tij)
Used to discuss a cultural aspect or tradition that has been passed down through generations. For example, one might speak of a "rich musical heritage.”
Indeed, we have a rich musical heritage here at Christ Church Christiana Hundred. This heritage was marked from the founding of the parish and then from the subsequent founding of the Christ Church Choir – our heritage continues to this day, marked by glorious singing of congregation and choirs, offerings of instruments in liturgy, and by presentation of various concerts throughout the year. In worship and concert, this heritage rooted in Anglican tradition continues to grow and expand as an offering to our surrounding community. It is passed from one generation to another.
We are grateful for the continual stream of support
for this living musical tradition. Touching those who have gone before us whose gifts help sustain it and those who currently engage in this ministry, the great musical tradition of Christ Church Christiana Hundred gladdens the hearts of the people of Christ Church as well as invites visitors and friends to be nourished by God’s own bounty. For this support we give thanks.
You are invited to be a Friend of Music at Christ Church. You may make a contribution online at:
Our gracious contributors will be recognized by levels of giving within the concert bulletins for this coming season.
Above all, we want you to know that you are welcome here, be it online or in person, for all of these events and services. While we are constrained in our offerings this COVID-tide, we hope that these events listed here will lift your spirits, that you may be sustained in the hope and love of God as we navigate these troubled times.
If you have any questions regarding support of the Concert Series through the Friends of Music, please contact
Bruce Barber in the Music Office at 302-655-3379