Page 106 - 1999 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 106

 Devi Shall
Well, its finally over yippee! SP: "can Iget a ... "it's a hard enough life, AOL addiction, Columbia summer with the hot guy on the train and Praveeti, sitting in Starbucks eating, birdboy; Sahsa, nyc mcdonalds "this smells," about the veggie burger, weout98:amit, ky girl, obsession witli someone-figure it out, summer school, the Florida hitting tetinisjay in the liead with ttie ball. The guy at tlie party .. "thaTik u sanketa" sewing classes. TB: kemcho, navratri, the troll, spance and frain, basketball, tennis when u fell on ur behind, "tara ur tunny online!" multi-colored headbands, situations, the paper Flower in Latin class, maroon, red .... all the colors, "vamanos chicos," Srta. Crane .. tlie brute, the snake, 4
month boy, the baseball equipment. JS: mr. Hee­ haw, your favorite person in the world, but he ties with the econ teacher-1 know u love him. Spain and France: making fun of tara, fighting witli each other, driving over the curb with jen, not havin anything to talk about on the phone. LM: so liow isjen doing? our weird conversations online and on the phone, the color green you love it, physics: "tara can you help us," the 800 guys you have liked. AA: hyper girl, "tyrese is liot," 500 boy friends. JA: arf, rides overwtiere, luncti table. Everyone on the Spain and France trip: tryin to get into the discotecas, sangria, getting lost in tote- do, ms. crane lositig her camera, ms. fisher being "sick" and getting her nails done, ramon the tour guide .. Ellen, Anil, and Ritika: the senior of the month trip: "1 have a 4.7 QPA, blah, blah, blah" AC: art class last year- "ur wasting paint," Spanish this year.. she still loves tara, we cant compete, studyin for the calc exam, EE: health class as seniors-"lets go to the lounge., "law and gov. class. Ben D, Mina, Alarice, & Adam: peer leader­ ship, the retreat, watchin halloween at ninas, thanx for the memories, Ilove uall, and good luck next year. Ny peer kids: this year was a lot of fun for me and I hope for u guys too: we had some interestin times, guys are the best, and only a couple more years at wardlaw it goes fast. Good luck to everyone, and to everyone I missed, im
sorry they only give us a page, but I love u peace.
Mina Sharma
BD- my Scarlet Southern bell, you'll find TC, some caf hit me with a bottle, I'm MOT Warrio, poor French people, June Alison, Is that Bing- ley?. Murder is not an option, I wasn't born in Westfield but I got here as fast as 1could, power nap, 7 stages. Heartiest congrats and don't get in trouble with the Popo! PL retreat- you bring class to the group. He's going into his room draw glit­ tered pentagrams. Do 1smell bacon? Roy Rogers dance- dance contest '98! these chips are burn­ ing my face, get in the rainbow van. Aunt Mamie's Okay Alright! LM- the office, D&D - the art of drinking a coolatta, thanks for picking seeds out
of my teeth, car-soccer mom, traveling plant show, getting a haircut?- I5ad move!, you are a basher, take it easy QJ- black is black! I am Iriends w/BF-i-RF- can I listen too? I can't breath with this poster here, it's seven o'clock, Rimici?, Wlio is tin?. Inmate Raymond, yo lliis is buji BF- hey, sorry'bout vd! you're notasmartie, dossem- anas, I know you don't sleep and are an alien. Marsupial? all .scientists o f the I 7th century are, prarie dogs, what's my name, check in checkout, violated in econ daily, the female, singing to Mr. F, listen you lost the pool game- pay up, okay bye SL- midnight convos, still remember fax no? Pavement '96, Em would be lucky RH- big bro, EB- I can think o f plenty o f chicks! BD- rainy day in MB, Sam Ash TB- the stress phone calls, la ten­ sion, dute lives! AL-sorry for the love, haha JA- so many pranks, JUSTIME RC-I-R.J- "somethings you lose somethings you give away", new hope '98, RJ- So who are those 4 guys on your wall? JM- thrown out ol Metuclion. you lieard me drop tlie soap?, never use my comp, again! PB-i-BD thanks for terrorizing me on the Wash trip, this is like wild things but wfili guys, robob ttie waitor, do you know why I have such a nice voice? austin! QJ BF- Medeski 99' - dance B, running man, its time to slow it down ...just trying to get my passport BD BF- hotmix, Ben: Beth, QJ, PB, BD my pudding!, party of one BF BD LM- WSP98', Haffield!, Wilco? PhilP? USA! Polar fleece! Stop throwing that but­ ter! Ryan- Love you little bro. Mom, Dad, Sharma gals puppa made it!
Jackie Sibblies
JAAA-RIEEEEE!!!- that was my ditdit to everyone, but ya'II know i'm lazy, so find yo personal ones yo self! TB-DS-AA-SP-EM-JA-SKO = grandma stories ... Spance & Frain (mmm them pidgeons look good ... kill the tomatoes! ... clubbing ... carte d'englais ... gorgeous guy ... sangria) ... laughing in science ... JTBS ... song writing ... mcmullen quotes... craft store ... surprize parties ... notes ... les mis ... ghost... wood AVE-enue ... short little pale girl w/the long brown hair ... please make me die! (LSC) ... find the pieces of the secret scarab & the pathway will be illuminat- ed/rockie & rosie ... soul searching conversa­ tions ... monologues... you're blue & she's yellow ... take out the bridge ... can't you children read! ... JR & the movies-he he ... purple dress-stop tryin 2B like me! ... can't talk on the phone ... kriskross kids in the mall ... pearl ring ... doggie ... raptor ... block party ... DBACDBD ... don't call me stupid! ... i loves me some ... do you believe in dinosaurs ... cause you don't know ... lint ... obsession ... sleep overs ... QUAM ... levitation ... poconos ... hamptons ... strawberry quikl & Scot­ tish flick... making cookies... you can't leave, you are one of us now! ..juice geyser ... choking ... iean n' cleave-LM & JA make a great couple ... colors ... Softball (hit the ball ... do you have a brush? ... getting lost ... the gang) EF-SBM-EH-
ME-SM-SC = big green americ, >edan club, wendy's ... tialloween ... ty kwon Jo •■. nmtend.i
... grandma laugliing to deatli
muhumuda ... car dancing
gold'sski tri\[i... \[ihonecalls...
mini g o lf... fancy dress shopping ... chilies
(ler frame ... dressing up ... breadsticks ... susti Inoli ... racquetball... all blacksleepover (models boytfr quickcheck francais ... horsie)... cliff... newyears ail nos ... rt 22 day ... klepto ... thanx 4 the suitcase.„|£(,iclis matt parties/tyrone ... physics- excommunia-f tion-EF ... edwards ... the lamp at chilies ... stall(.l5poi ing...auntiesuzie ... idon'twantanyfries!...NRs|||,ev'||i = bio... pasta party... anorexic... bball... boosleltjefore van on parkway ... neverending phonecalls..,VTr^uren = kone wall hon desu ga ... chopstick/chinese,j.|
max tree ... SM =i hate cats ... play people rkyiezz yaaaa! ... zipzapbop- bopbopbopBOPSr IputttieiQrbon bop on you ... jackie taraellen ... aw what thejfusitrie tieck! ... co-operative exam ... wonders of Isd., Bfras-s frog leg ... pen in ceiling ... le chien va a la biblio-| nenllifi theque ... & Mow a thanks to everyone at didyou because for better or worse, you have mademtl 3511)5 who Iam - 1luvyou all! See ya!
Misha Rina Singh
CV-crazy car rides, mango lassis, the indians: bus..yo staring at u (bad influence), Lily is a rat, D&D, fight-u have the most fun w/me RC-whilP\} wIMliroi indieheart, piyushes, neil, masood, a tool, hobo PB-JM-N ken, save 2nite, pinkyp, singhy, no shots, us|ers Its( phone addicts, westfield, RRHH, mandir, docs|feroch-tf dilwale, u r my didi AC-tough times, DfirDtall\] meatol procrastinating, Tgif-my b-day, crying abouilian,, boys, crazy indians, u look Indian, ishq pagallrungbeM pool incident-jonnie, living at my house KJ- milji opposite, punk twisted key at DSrD, malav, lwan’i|(|iefutiire. the passion, short skirts, FIM, homophobe Kllyourglove Bubba, my munu-lil bro, Qupt, lower urgaze.sta)*' away from ladki, dirty looks, hello mr. patata,l'ni|3gain.,II hot, KM-Pandu, be good EF-let out the rats, cofleieiiibiiig out, ur so edible LS-DC guy, cheetos, aero skirt\]lotofmeiii' gum, Ron-guy at menlo, Tokyo, PL, mall trips- sneakers .. SM-MY-Qrease -limo-Carmine's, lts(s!iack.! raining EJ's, Pants, wrong train, stranded, annoj
ing friends, 10th grade fight, cellulite, ignoranJgav. li’eb SP- ditz-kidding, navratri98,1want to dandia,iio|esceplKeai desi party BF-gum impailment, culture/religiouslbeiriygiri, talks, getting my #, stop sweating me KF-ride-'lpuUiogop home, D&D-it's closed, monopoly at ur houstjbut|cantp, GK-like QQ-long talks-lets beat somebody up-
chow patty, don't be sad buddy AR-long talhs-Itngiloiilali religion, culture, ruining chem labsAR-be morf| srious-i-desi, I look good, ur a good guy at heart
drop the image EB-hot pants, economic nationl alism, the shining GJ-bug, slices SO's- SM, SN
SP, MQ-my desi crew-keep it real.. i'm the coolest tho Aliya-u r not here but I miss u, bubba patatas, little India, mall shopping-l'm gonnakil u,babemobileMom Dad-thankyousomucli for everything you have given me and forallyoui love and support. Harvin fir Deeou-thanks forall -I still love u Sat Sri Akal Wardlaw!!!
Laura Singleterry
Put away the Cheetos RS! Washington DC,
grade lunch table-the grapes, bathroom ai B"f)'tarsin Wendy's? 10th grade ski tri-hair spray bottles?*
sleep, Lowmain lovers-every Friday night, Qirl- stown, prank calls. Chili's, bowling, walking 1“ Jaietofiji? DTMP. MS parties. Leaving school and going"
the beach, nuh, pool and movies and more nU
Rt. 22 divider. Ford explorer. Go gadget go-go lisluiass,,,1 sorry about the slap RF, lam phone calls fromJH
hey guy, PS house-hey, there's a room in here Blading in central park-getting ink done, devif
tree. Tool in BD's car. Hoboken for RC-areyo>
quadro? AR-oh my rucus we're gonna die! Tb Chanticler, BLARQO, falling asleep on the phone
PS party, CO popcorn, bank drive throughs,98 ill,: Ifty SP- chi-hua-hua? mortime, I don't speak Qujo
rati! Long walks down Inman, I love you beta! Ml
you're my chica, my best friend, I love you Qk
you're my little bro. RF-how's your hand, Kilnie
night TB- we made it through band, I couldn ??? have done it w/out you, EB-I miss Dick so mud MRS-the fights, the skirt, PL, the utters, AR (Sh, i amante EF-I love you too beta, B4-you're tide mentor, and a great friend, thanks, VolleybJl
lots of food, no running, Haley, Easy-E, long*' cafi4
AR^RF^rR'^ conversations. My peer kids; FM,M AB, RF, CB, AF, Myou guys are the best, Physb
1st jen class,
twin towers FBenis

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