Page 175 - 1998 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 175

"This is one of the best basketball teams the Wardlaw-Hartridge School has ever seen," raved Bill kuchar, the head coach of the Rams' boys varsity basketball team. "We have improved tremen­ dously since last year both physi­ callyand mentally."
The Rams started their season off strongly with wins over Timothy Christian, Alma Prep, Hun, and Brick Memorial. The team's two defeats thus far came in tourna­ ments. They lost by one point to perennial state power St. Beni- dict's in the finals of the Peddie Tournament and were defeated by Rumson Fair Haven in the finals of the Buc Classic in Red Bank.
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I "The difference between this year and last year is that we have dropped weaker teams from our schedule and replaced them with much harder Group IV and Parochial team s," said Coach Kuchar.

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