Page 70 - 1998 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 70
Football (9, 10, 11, 12 CAFT.) Basketball (9, 10, CAPT. 11, 12) Baseball (9, 10, 11, CAPT. 12) Qreen 6f Gold Club (12) Social Committee (12) Ju diciary Committee (10, 11) Prom Committee (12) Outing Club (12)
"All right Bro" Q.D.
"Okay - all right Buddy" E.H.
"If you work faster you'll get done sooner" M.P. "Damn Boy" M.P.
"Look Out! We're dead "M.P.
"You go to Linden" A.A.
"Heart - Hustle - Success" E.M.
"You can't touch my face" P.C. - T.C.
"Don't be an individual"D.C.
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Managerofswimteam(9);Yearbook(9, 11, 12); Key club(12)
John Michael Phelan
'Take time to close your eyes and look around.- h. Young
There is an athlete in all of us.- Reebok
It's better to lead and stand alone than to follow and get lost in the crowd, known
There's no absolutes in life - only in vodka.- Homicide
See, you and me have a better time than most can dream.- Dave Matthews Band Every man dies; not every man that died has lived.- ho Fear (D.J.)
We'll have to postpone a little freaky deaky.- Will Smith -Independence Day Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality, wake up and live.-Bob Marley Do ... or do not, there is no try.- Yoda
1love Bob.- Liz Piren
How's my Qoosebumps?- Waldo
I feel the need, the need for spreed.- Top Qun
Bye for ya- self.- Rady
Failure is not an option.- Ed Harris -Ap>ollo 13
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