Page 19 - 1948 Wardlaw
P. 19

 Class Will
We , the noted class of 1998, bemc^ unsoond. of mind and. body ydo declare ourseh/es totally irresponsible for' our' deeds , declare thts document -tobe our last will ancf. testament,
L We ^he c/ass of- '48 , be^oeafh Jhe privileges of occupying the back seats m assembly to those ojho get there first,
2. We, the chemistry students, mil dir. (brim cl de-lure lie detector
3. I, Sill Mcyer^ yull all of my tall stories to 3a relay Johnson,
4. I, John Hetty , will chemistry to any boy who wants to forget abouV ^irlsa
5. I ,"Mow 'em down" Charhc E~vans, will my
'Don 3ucm"techmgoe. to Jerry Lambert,
6. I, Tom filbert, mil my "four-leaf-cloven"
to the person who has over looked h/s,
7„ I, )oha Marsh , Will my 'cowboy" driving to
the youngest member of the fourth form m fhe hope that he wntl be able to tame if
down a. bit in three years,
8. I* John Melty, will a paokage of T3romo- Seltzer to next year's student council pveudenh
9o I, Tom. filbert, begoeath my"one man. bache/oK'.s club " to X>on TJll)son.0
JOo T , 3<M Meyer, mil my little black book to
any underclassman who wants to go to town. 11. We, the Year Book staff, will bo+ w«.
don’t know whA^.
12, We, the Seniors leave +he tkachers , bot* we doubt tf they will mind.

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