Page 53 - 1989 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 53
Annabella Seabra Alves
Actives- Key Club (9) S.A.D.D. (9,10) Chorale (10) Junior Track Manager (9,10,11) J.V. Volleyball (9,10) Varsity Volleyball (11,12) Trip Committee (12) Peer Leader ship (12)
It is not important what lies behind you or what lies before you, but what lies within you - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Lost tirne is never found again - Benjamin Franklin
O put not your trust in princes, nor in any child of man, for there is no help in
^ wfth the'help o° my Cod I shall leap over the wall - Prayer book
Varsity S o c c e r (10-12), Varsity Wrestling (10-12), Capt. Tennis (10-12) Chess Club 10-11 Pres), Peer Leadership (12)
"There's a feeling I get when I look at the West and my spirit crying tor leaving"- Led Zeppelin
"Be yourself, nobody else is more qualified"-Unknown
"Where do we go now, where do we go"-Guns and Roses
"A journey not only of sight and sound, but of mind"- Rod Serling "I get by with a little help from my friends"- Beatles
"This too shall pass!"- Douglas MacArthur
"Red red wine ya make me feel so fine" -UB40
Kevin Steven Adair