Page 41 - 1930 Hartridge
P. 41
Martha Ann Marshall hands on her unfailing artistic ability to Carolyn Arm strong and Dorothy Hogan.
\\hth much regret Sally Lawton leaves her weakness for ice cream to Adele Mackey, and her well known “wildness” she bestows upon Mary Sargent.
To Dorothy Spalding, Althea Dobbins leaves her list of successful Sunday excuses for use when the asthma wears thin.
Jane Kaltenhach becpieaths her air of calm detachment to Lucy Van Boskerck and Kathryn Taylor.
Susan Henrotin leaves her \])rofound knowledge of the subtleties of the type
writer to Frances Whitwell. May the Annual profit by it again next year as it has this!
Ifetty Hardenhergh leaves her marked ability to cjuents to Mary Robinson, and to Marjorie Ruckert
Virgil hook, with tears at parting.
collect money from del in- she presents a well worn
Molly Crane leaves her scholastic nonchalance to mitigate the frantic efforts of over-burdened Noble Jones, and the duty of playing the piano at recess to Hilda Manley.
To Margaret Whedon and 1jetty Warner, Ethel Boissevain gives her much coveted raven locks.
Mary Alison leaves her enthusiasm and her enjoyment of life in general to Dorothy Sander.
Mary Cra\])o relinquishes her much coveted French interviews to Lucie DuPjois, and to Frances Preston her dazzling feats on the ha.skethall court.
I'o Betty Lester, Virgil Taylor gives her coolness in moments of stress, and to Elizabeth Miller the much disputed switch.
Page Thirty-seven