Page 85 - 1930 Hartridge
P. 85
The Fair
Intriguing posters had for many days been inviting us to the school on the afternoon of April twelfth. Here we found our usually sedate auditorium pervaded by an atmosphere of holiday gaiety, its walls lined with cleyer booths. The Annual Hartridge School Fair was in progress.
On our right, as we entered, we saw that the Juniors had brought before us the land of dykes and windmills. Colorfully dressed Dutch maids offered us homemade candies—toothsome dainties which we should have found irresistible, even without the attraction of the quaint back ground. On the stage we beheld a Mardi Gras. Balloons, confetti,
and bright streamers floated about while the Sophomores in fantastic costumes served us dainty sandwiches, delicious cakes, tea, and ice cream.
Below the stage the flower table gave a springtime touch with green and yellow as its predominating colors. Bowls of sunny forsythia were every where, and the Seniors, there or at the cake table close by, were all wear
ing green or yellow, d he Freshmen sold stationery at a table decorated in red and white. Fragile articles for our boudoir enticed us to the First
Academic booth. We lingered by the varied and tempting wares of the Elementary grades.
M iss I ennant again had beautiful jewelry for our choosing. There
was a grab hag, and an Easter table for the younger children. We bought
punch from Miss Jenkins in the Midway, learned our fortunes in a gypsy’s
tent, and had our silhouettes cut and our handwriting interpreted. At last
we went home weary but content, knowing that our labors for the Chil dren’s Ward had again succeeded.
D o o r ........................................................................$ K i n d e i - g a r t e n ................................................. (ri-ades 1, 2, E l e m e n t a r y ....................... Grade 3, Elementary ............................
4, 5, Elem entary....................... B, Elementary ............................... 7, Elementary
T, Academic .
II, Academic III, Academic IV, Academic
V, Academic
117.70 243.81 169.69
102.42 129.31 195.98 166.99 244.68 500.44
D. c. L., 30
E o r t u n e - T e l l i n g ......................................... 5.50 G i f t s ..................................................................... 149.00 Oakwood Self-Denial Dinners .. 130.00 O a k w o o d M o v i e s .................................... 4.75 Day Students Self-Denial Contri
b u t i o n s ......................................................... 34.50 Found ai'ound building ..................... 6.00
Total Receipts .............................$2,551.11 E x p e n s e s ............................................................ 2 6 . 5 0
P r o c e e d s ............................................. $ 2 , 5 2 4 . 6 1
Grades Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade (jrade Midway
Page Eighty-oue