Page 106 - 1981 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 106
I MIXED CHORUS, BOTTOM ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: J. Shrager, C. Embrey, E. Kossowicz, E. Suresky, C. Durham, K. Leach, B. Flynn, C. Cotman. SECOND ROW: A. Sadaty, A. Prasser, L. Minard, C. Nicora, J. Koplowitz, D. Zitner, P. Feeney, R. McDougall, J. Buck. T H I R D R O W M. K o p l o w i i z , A. K e n n y , M. Oberschewen, T. Yoder, B. Selem, S. Goldstein, R. Gardere. TOP ROW: S. Keller, J. Hayes, A. Vlahos, D. Mclsaac C. Morong, S. Lutz, I). Joy. 2. BOTTOM ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: D. Don- ayre, M. Samek, T. Lambert, A. Yoder, M.
Reyes, S Salamone, SECOND ROW: S. Dun can, A. Wallis. C. Barth, C. Kunst, M. Ware, P. Melchionna, A. Moore, .1. Bross. THIRD ROW': D. Croketl, M. Bowman, E. Medina, D. Russ, C. White, J. Sorgcr, .1. LcGrand. TOP ROW: M. Bebernian, D. Giles, M l ane, R. Gianncllino, G. Hagsloz, C. Russ, S. Ashton.
3. Chorale members Gina Kazimir, Lorraine Warren. Susan Ford, and Jocelyn Lubach learn their music.
The Wardlaw-Harlridge Chorale un der the leadership of Miss Lisa Guida has undergone a new format in present ing musical programs. She has changed the program from multiple pieces that were short and easy to two difficult pieces that offer a bigger challenge to the Chorale and Mixed Chorus.
Miss Guida, a graduate of Westmin ster Choir College, came highly rcco- mended by Mr. Art McKenzie and so far has lived up to the Wardlaw-Har- tridge expectations. For her first musi cal she chose Oliver, which was enjoyed by the entire school. We hope Miss Guida will see fit to continue her career
with the Wardlaw-Hartridge family.