Page 122 - 1981 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 122

Under the foresight of Mr. Link Keur, the Audio Vi­ sual Club, whose membership is a select few students interested in recording Wardlaw-Hartridge sporting events, adds a professional aspect to the sports depart­ ment. After coming off of the fields, our teams, whether winning or losing, can see how they played with the hope of bettering their skills. The Audio Visual Club has be­ come a very important part of the Wardlaw-Hartridge sports program and continues to grow.
1. AUDIO VISUAL CLUB MEMBERS, LEFT TO RIGHT, FIRST ROW: J. Yusko, J. Vcnc/ia, J. Theillon SECOND ROW: J. Sorgcr. R. Brandi, S. Cohen, E. Krampf, J. Pcnvcnnc, Mr. Kcur. 2. Jim Vcnc/ia
and John Penvenne checking out the audio visual equiptment.

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