Page 238 - 1981 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 238
High school represents only a small part of our lives. As this episode nears its end, we cannot fail to think that it will only lead to a new beginning. The main idea and objective of this year’s yearbook was to illustrate the concept of beginning and ending as applied to school life at Wardlaw-Hartridge.
In creating the yearbook, the editors and staff relied heavily on the dedicated leadership of Mr. George Ljutich and Mrs. Elaine Bart. They spent many hours and much effort in order to guide the production of the book on its proper course.
The bulk of the work was mastered by my editors who also contributed valuable ideas to the book. They included Arlene Von der Porten, Gina Kazimir, Guy Sendelsky, Bob Manabat, Frank Hammer, Cathleen Vorwerk, Rob Berg, and Mike Reyes. I give my special thanks to Frank Hammer, the photography editor. He worked hard and patiently throughout the year to supply us with the needed pictures, much of which had to be re-taken after the flood in the darkroom. I also wish to thank Jim Venezia who put together the entire advertisement section.
Furthermore, I extend my thanks to Mrs. Julie Timberlake for proofreading much of the copy for us; to Mr. Phil Berkebile for providing friendly service in photography; to Mr. Robert Diehl for giving the staff helpful advice, and to all patrons, sponsors, and parents who made this yearbook possible.