Page 214 - 1988 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 214

Perhaps only once in a lifetime does an individual come along who has such a lasting effect on every person with whom he or she comes in contact. Elaine Bart is still very much alive in the hearts of those who had the pleasure of knowing her and remains an exam­ ple of courage and generosity for all to follow. Hero­ ically battling what seemed to all an insurmountable illness, Elaine was never willing to let it take control of her life, nor did she impose her malady upon others. As a teacher her ability could not be surpassed and as a friend she will be irreplacable.
To all those fortunate enough to study science under her, Elaine was known as the best in the field. She demanded highly of her students pushing each to his utmost level of achievement. Yet Mrs. Bart also knew compassion and understanding. Although willing to thoroughly explain her subject matter, she never moved on until everyone was ready. She made herself available at any time for those who had difficulties and provided encouragement for those who did not. Fur­
thermore, as head of the science department, she was admired and respected by all her colleagues for her
knowledge as well as her ability.
Although we at Wardlaw-Hartridge knew her best as
an encouraging teacher with high standards, Elaine demonstrated many admirable qualities outside the academic realm. She was a caring mother, a fine musi­ cian and a trusted friend. Tremendously included in the Manhattan School of Music, Elaine travelled to New York City for rehearsals and performances every Saturday. In addition, Elaine served as the business ad­ visor to the yearbook for many years, raising money through advertisements to make publication possible. Moreover, she provided an open ear and a few words of advice at any student's request.
Elaine Bart was a woman of many strengths, unpar- alled in her efforts to make the best of the world she lived in. May she always be remembered as a gutsy lady who put the interests of others above her own.
Elaine Bart

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