Page 179 - 1990 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 179
%eventh plus members strong, this year's Key Club, under the leadership of President Neeta Sharma, and the advising # o f Mrs. Paula Qrayfrepeated the success Of Its impressive ^number of projects. Beginning the^year withnhe annual ^Thanksgiving Fdod Drive, the Key tllub continued with a Holiday Gift Drive for battered and abused orphans and then began the second semester with a month-long clothes drive and wrapped up its meyor projects with the Red Cross Blood Drive a n d ^ Easter Egg Hunt for the Lower School's Kindergarten and first grade. Throughout the entire year, trips to the nursing home. Meridian, and correspondence
with the club's foster child in Haiti, Rosa, became an essenĀ tial part of many a key clubber's life.