Page 63 - 1990 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 63

 Kimberly Marenus
Art (9, 10, 11, 12); Debate Team (10- Secretary/Treasurer 11, 12); Drama Club (9); Drama Flay (10, 11); Green' and Gold Club (11, 12); Key Club (9, 10, 11); Lacrosse Manager (9); Library Aid (9); hew Student Orientator (11, 12); Peer Leadership (12); Publicity Staff (11, 12); Class Representative (11, 12); S.A.D.D. (11, 12); Tennis (9, 10, 11, 12-JV Captain); Yearbook (10, 12- Editor)
■I love you just the way you are' -Billy Joel
All you have to do is call and I II be there, yes I will, you've got a friend'-
Carole King
The sun will come out tomorrow "-Annie
Mold on tight to your dreams "-Anonymous
People who need people are the luckiest people in the world " Barbra
Don't you forget about me "-The Breakfast Club
Acting is my life' -Anonymous
I feel pretty "-West Side Story
You're never fully dressed without a smile "Annie
Memories may be beautiful and yet, what's to painful to remember we
simply choose to forget "Barbra Streisand
Making my entrance again with my usual flair' -Judy Collins
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Varsity Soccer 2nd Team All-State (9), J.V. Baseball (9), S.A.D.D. (9), Key Club (9), Varsity Soccer 1st Team All-State, All Conference (11), Varsity Baseball (11,12), Green and Gold Club (11-President, 12-President), Varsity Soccer Captain 1st Team All-State Conference (12)
It's all fun and games until someone loses an eyeball," — Me "Hi Hun. "JCM
"The great Brain Reform. " — The Great Brain
"Be all you can be. " — Uncle Sam
"Hey mom, what's for dinner? Pot Roast Beaver." — June Cieaver (L.T) "Hey Mom I love You!!!! "- Me
Andrew Michel

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