Page 83 - 1990 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 83

 Bill Callahan
Hey m name s Shawn Fricke, hey ya do n Deb the les, Patty: rappin' the course; BREARLEY DIRTBAQ! MAAtlAA, Mike Stambergerl What, do you Sleep With those clubs? freshman zits; what did she rub off on you? alcoholic; nice car accident Craig G. you can t take it Tiffan) you a dork; i burpedhhh; Goofy, tell Adrian to relax, awvright, the only one with her head on her shoulders; best budd> VICKY! Keep
remember our gross talks? Danielle, you re so mean! Kim M, ■peer leadership in ninth Jerem> - the slopp> waitress at the oiner, the jeep Penny, the classiest chick I know! Patti Lee - the one-legged wonder Jeff B. ■you re the baddest! Surf s up the egg Matt A. = Andres "Dice ' Clay; DECShEMTI Devils maniac; sneeze Stacy, was I a good father? smile Craig B. and that laugh Mah, ma name isth Shawn Crockett; lets go rag on the dorks on the dancefloor Josh D. - chorale; ideas at work; BUCKY! Mow to stand on your throat, by Josh Todd K. • MEREriDOUS! WE RIDE! Yo Gary man, gallop on over here, Mr. T s french class with smelly, SMUT UP! jokebook Big Lou; what a nut, Joe Miggins; Mey Lou, don't you hate when Jessica - Mappy Birthday Mey Meil, hey ya doin? J a do it? We re in the sarne boat; I flushed one down and two came back up; we gotta charm the wives for a while; I swam ashore Slurzburg ■two D s andaF Honi, girl, wha s shakin clown Lisa Rogers man, keep swingin' RAT SPAMKY (Matt S.); nice sophomore picture; morning rides
Lara BUTCtI Selezner; rneow; Mom, can I keep it? sober buddies! how many fights have we had, anyway? Jill-dots Daena-maybe
when you sec this we II Know if he liked you
good workin out with you; nice knee
columnist Yo ResnicK, nice rubber bands
door golf; You re heading for trouble; your breath stinks! P.5, you re not Barbara Soltesz Jason S. = cookie monster Live with Miami Beach, the sun and fun capital of the world, its the Dave Sollashow with your host Dave Sofia! Hi, 1m Mr. V. and I want to know, when a guy has
Rob S, ■how many have we shared? boogie boardin at Avon-By-the-Sea President Jack • was Molly. Its 2.20 a.m,, you have to go to play practice! Last of the computer nerds, my fellow Allison -written any poems lately? on the field at Cranford Migh!? water fight; sloppy; door-to-
Brandon - mud rat; Keep Swamp Kitty in good shape you dirt monger Jen T. my first love at W-M Hillary = Cyndi Lauper: milkshake on Pam; fudge on Ally; sis; lunch with Laird, Mike and Lisa •wow those conversations we had! Mark C. •Your parents found out? I told you so Darren AAROM Geissler and his Reese s Pieces sundae Mi, My name is Chris Charlesworth and I m going to the University of Pots and Pans
Ritu • high five! Brett Allen, how s yo woman? Wendy, keep sportin' those bangs Kristin M. • how s (oral) Laurel? thanx 4 every thing (you know what I mean) Mey Chuckles - Pizza Hut Chris (Fish) McCall - you'll be hurtin for certain; you really did need an ax to bust that pumpkin Rebecca - is that your REAL red hair? Julie • Bay Mead Shelby - "I've never farted! ole green eyes Jen B. = Jennifer Grey Brian B. • rumpkin smashin' your story's due Monday! Jason D., mang, you got duh stuff? Mrs. EserMERD and the computer nerd class of '89
Chris P. - you wanna win a buck? Dorian McMee's got the right McStuff Sammy Q.. Dottie-Dottie-Dottie, Meredicth. Rebecca, Marcie. Wendy. Bridgette and The Disgusting Hour,- PRESSED MAM Jen E. • the yearbook type Robbie M. ■what a wiseguy! Dan C. and the dunking booth Rob C. ■Honda commercial Tommie Lee for the ' 3 MIMMA! we re BIG! 50-50; park; swings; sc-mush, BOO; the beach. Mintendo; best friend / girlfriend; fart noise with your hand, goo-goo face; Billy backrub; covergirl smile; baby pie; get rid of the pride; love shack; rappin about Minnesota; cuddle; the great American smokeout; sick of driving? "When I'm with you "; we certainly made em sick, did nt we? M-M-M-M-M- my name is Andy-B-Fresh; Hi bebey! arlelelmnmnlllahl! midnight golf; eggs a, la Chris King; snowballs at cars; immature is in! crib buddies; Laurie-whipped; Dookie McDoodoo; Doodoo McSnocone; Snocoke McCream cheese; gazebo hopping on the golf course guido, JUDY?! LISA?! PAM?! your taste in girls DISGUSTS me! Friendly's Mom and Dad (Father dearest) what can I say but thanx BIG TIME dorks! wait. I have a few words to myself • Tom Hanks; Porky's; Carol Kane, Big, BUCKY S CORMER, Splash; St. Annes • my thinking depot; THE MOOM!; Garwood, Cranford. Michael Jackson; the fall; Pizza Hut; Ferraro'S; Bennigan s. Paddle tennis (deathball style!); Cyndi Lauper, poetry; Kenny G.; The Outsiders; Jackie Gleason; Mr. M. ■' Ya wanna see rality?! RRRastro, Rudy. Snagglepus and other impressions; Carol Silver - I'm gonna find you someday! yeah, right?
Chris Cone
DOM'T CALL ME FU I'M RED OR CHRIS Moni, Les, Jess • Scotchwood Diner 20 X-tra Dollars School lunches ladies who CAM T COUMT Get a realjob grease old and crazy lunch lady crashing into the library wall copying money — where does it go+ + into pockets who knows Mr. T s dirty elbows . Class tantrums, messy Laura 50/50. Peanut Butter & Jelly lunches made wrong T.C .6f D.W. computer buddies, your a mess T Jackets. Ties, Shoes, Mr. Vietor. Andy gimmie another Woo Woo. YUM Rita Chaquita, tell the truth. Where and who are you going with nmext. I'll find out. Speak out Mackoo, Jess your not a good driver. Good luck in future math classes
Don't give directions. Learn you left and right. You don't know what your doing Your a mess Les, Just say MO. Watch out for big white rocks Moni, First of all Please be quiet D ontcom m ent Buy your own food Macy's We don t need money G-Strings Amy, dren, keeg, LUSH Mall shopping, Caldor's, Underwear Bill's parties. Your first time . Throwing up. LUSH Thanks for supplying m'e. Someday you'll drive, and I'll do stick Retreats are soooo fun with J.A. and Marry Babysitting and searching MosyU Cars Skiing
Money So what who cares Field hockey bus trips. coaches not watching the game Kristin M 5S5S5 your a messsss The Fury will five forever The new orange Pinto Thanxs everyone at W-M and Thanks Mom Dad. Daniel, Lorin, Fergie It s Been Real
Shawn Crockett
Here we go !! let's do i t !!! Mey Dave, it's them ! I'll PASS. OM, we will swim I (YEM) Don't forget the sign. The head connection is broken ! Party, sleep, ski. Watch out for that knee. Mey, the truck has new tires. Andy and his new mustant, we ll see. LX, 5.0, GT, Fast. Slow, Spoiled. Tinted. Smoked, Ugly, Flouresent, Lights. Jeep • Alright already Brandon, Matt, Spevack, Craig, Dave. THEY HAVE POLICE IM UTAH !!!!!!!!!! (on motorcycles ). Heidi waht time is it ? Undefeated, we rocked them ! Mey Craig • Juiced HI! We are going to wreck them, YEAM !! Flood Fill Everything I Paddle Ball - Blake nice thum b ! Bill Cowahan - Money and Stress I Eggs look good on cars. 1got i t ! POW - What Pumpkin ! Come on everybody does i t ! SAT every weekend 72 hours a day. You made it fun MP • What do I look like. Don t forget to extoll. Like U 22 billion hours a day,24daysaweek.Only 17!Sallylikesattention.RightJackandJill. Petewhatcar!Butyourwalking!Don'ttellme!!TheyareBumpen!Just tell them to get the Bozack ! Mey, Jay lift some weights. Just CooMin ! Where the hell are we ?? Thanks Mom & Dady & Everybody !!!!!
Josh Dobelaar
OK readers, this list is weird. REALLY WEIRD, (But then, what isn't at WM? am I right?) so bear with me: SMBD * Partners in Crime * That s Out! • MERD! • Vietor's missing meter sticks * bomb scares *JV Soccer! Grunt! * Where there's a Wifi there s a way * Allan • You just better relax! * * FIRE MAZZARD • Mice Attitude!' Waht Test? Mo Problem * Mice Blouse Lisa * sportin' a woody * french fries or scrambled eggs? * this is disgusting, want some?•Glegs*BASTAGE!*nailpolishandshampoo*QuarterPounderwithCheese*ThatsMARSH!*FerrisBueller*DankaShane'Vin,you re supposed to wear that UMDER your pants * Dick shirts * it is the Way of the Beast * Bogus! * Doorknob * Sterg, watcha singin ? • fifth period music critics * nice wetsuit stan, Sterg' Ken (Annie) the AMIMAL * Kencil *Jabonis!' playin' for the Mershey Bar * This is Wolfman Jack *JAZZ * we need a drummer! * What's THE deal? * get it up and make it sing! * Forget the bell, we re JAMMIM * Into the proverbial fungus bucket * no such luck * smoke bombed concert * What! Are you on drugs! * DUDE! * Dobie 6r Sterg vs labs, we always win * Class of Confusion * SPITBALLSI in physics (projectile motion right?) * She GOTTA Know * Mippy *Jack the Zipper * Fasollia? * Mucleus of a fine show * I want my yum-yums! * Wiewl * Gobble- Gobble • Scummer! * Wsup Scrubby? * WM bussing: more than a ride, its an ADVEMTURE! * Mo, but we sang a lo t' Oh no! Is Evy drivin again?! * Shut up Ross • FRIZBEE * Mot on the roof, Rahj * and my basketball to o !!' Open the window * the pool's open? Can I come and study? * damn straight * nice parking, Molly * AEROBIE * Sleep much, Rahj?* the Woodland BUMF! * Yea, its ugly but it does 0-60 in 48 FLATl * sure we can fit 6 but no hills * That was RUDE * you wanna walk? Get Out * crunchy sox * napkin Chris?: * I'll eat it * one gallon of gas, two hours to pass, three guys on a hike, big girl on a bike, shoving around, running up the down, long grunts and groans, Indiana Jones, six who need rides, one guy who drives, can t fit one more, foot on the floor, right through a red light, only one headlight, two cops right there, Roger who stares, only a warning, its 1 in the morning, possum crossing, curb tossing, all Saturday night, we do it right * it was fun * freefalling * stupid poems * phrases by Sterg * That works * that was WROMG! * That was a MOVE! * I feel the need (TOP GUM) * damaged individual' Mr. Polieeeceman * Rahj. won t eat real food. * bowling * Molly, get some D-Rust * Fish Called Wanda ' Fuel * Mrs. Lerner s swim team catering* Rahj: Learning to Fly * Sterg is a machine * Rahj s F-14 racing dive * SPAZMOLE * post-prom Deadly Frizbee on the beach * Dain-Bramage * Get Out! — prolaby * yea. 111 drive you home * Floyd, Who. Rush. Yes, U2, Zeppelin, Steve Miller, Jackson Browne, Tom Petty. Willburrys. Fixx, Stones. Police. Boston. Doors. Billy Joel, Beatles* Rahj, clean yur room * Mr, Ed (beep) * Sterg's pool hair fashions * Crosswords * you gonna eat that? * RS Stop W'MIMIMG! * W'e have a constitution? * CATCH THE SPIRIT '89 * It's on the com puter * shave it Rahj( 1) * MOMTY PYTMOM * Me can read a magazine but he can t sleep? * Mo More Study Malls with BV! * morning AEROBIC exercises in the parking lot * Ouch! Mi George * stupid comics * KMMol with a capital TUCMAS! * it TUCMAS a long time to get to be seniors * works for me * that's not what I was trying to do * KORG * Miov, Jack Miov * Fire breathing. Man-eating
fighting board *

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