Page 102 - 1969 Hartridge
P. 102
Cito . .. Cito . . . Cito . . . Cito Cito . .. Cito . . . Cito . . . Cito
Karl, Sparkle, car, Karl
. Cito . Cito
Chubby Bunny . . . sauerkraut . . . begawk . . . tripping through limabeans . . . Sagittarians . . . boop-boop-e-doop . . .
Nick’ . . . S.P.H.S. M and M’s with peanuts . . . Gary is gone . . . April fools . . . Joe . . . the Great Swamp ...Timmy ...Nich ... Buckley, June 18
Hey,Senior...DaddyTim ...Jeff... Reclining Figure . . . Cassy and Sam . . . Donny . . . New Hampshire and Europe . . . Christopher . . . Smell is perverted
L.R.Y. . . . consider it dug . . . ya promise? . . . imagine immortalized forever in a Hartridge yearbook . . . MGB - Larry Stouffer . . . Pip. what shadow . . . Can’t wait for the ideal spring day . . . Canned Heat, Ten Years After, Jeff Beck, and that kind of stuff . . . Shale and Rich . . . Chuan- we’ll always remember you, generous, kind and happy
John and Rachel, Dana and Leslie, and me
J.L.P. and C.D.P. ...May 10 ...Mass., New Hampshire, Texas! . . . Bathsheba, Toke, Fairview Cemetary . . . Bonnie and Clyde . . . Corvairs . . . Honda 300 and bruises and love.
November 1, 1968 . . . Coles School . . . Super Rat!!! . . . those football games . . . Wardlaw . . . good luck, babe ... I like you,Ifeelthesameway... the future.
Hey Fred! You knew the job was dangerous when you took it, Fred! The Morrison’s T.V.
You really missed it . . . when do the fish bite? . . . John, he’s mine-not yours . . . the wrong bridge . . . spaghetti sauce . . . s-q-u-i-r-t . . . you know? . . . red triumph . . fickled people . . . two tickets . . . he’s nice
Orange juice . . . good-looking toes . . . Greg . . . Pisces’ psychic and Aquarian ma gic . . . M.G.A. . . . Greg . . . January 2,
1969 . . . going in style . . . Greg
CBK with a double T . . . Nov. 1, 1968 . . . He tuned red . . . Thingamajig and Watch- amacallit . , . Craig’ . . . Bruce forever, ha, ha
Birnbaums, Nick the Greek, Percy Grain ger, Ray Still, Larry Josephson, and Loigi Zaninelli . . . Peter the Great and the bas soon pencil . . . turkey feathers!
E.R.T., another year . . . Senior Prom, what a blind date . . . H.A.M. in Prince ton . . . Florida ’69 with Marc and Roger ...EilsaandSweden... AEerrari?... Alright, Krista . . . such a cute little tyke!
turtlevows. .Aquarius...360shop... Florida forever!