Page 62 - 1995 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 62

 Geoffrey Gershaw
"It's been a long lime since I've rock and rolled." Led Zeppellin
"I couldn't help but notice your pain. It runs deep, come share it with me." Tupac
"A great play in baseball is like a pretty girl, the last one you see is always the best." Ernie Banks
"How am 1funny, am I like a clown, am 1here to amuse you! Joe Pesci
"An ego is just imagination, and if a man doesn't have imagination, he'll be working for somebody else for the rest of his life." Jimmy Hoffa
"I didn't hear no bell." Mike Kohler
varsity football 9,10,12, varsity basketball 9, 10,12, varsity baseball 9, 10,11,12, key club 9, 10, 12, powerlifting club 12.
'Hoauly is only skin deep" Myself
"I will d() whal I have to do" Myself
"D o y(ju love him or do you love me? Do you want a man with brains or a man with body?" Heavy D "Learning for the sake of knowledge is its own reward!!" Doug Singleterry
"Mike, Batroom, I have pass" Anonymous??
"Cieoff, Wardlaw-Hartridge does the impossible, it combines academic excellence and school spirit in a pint- sized bottle." Toby Mitchell
"W ooooof, W ooooof" Bandit (iershaw
"Dude Bladeage talk to me!! Ginsu???" I’aully Shore
"Yes, but do they have it in stock????" Random salesman at Sixth Ave.
"I went, 1saw, I lost, I went home" W-H Varsity Soccer
"I can't believe it's not butler" anonymous
"I want somebody, somebody for me {Jazz Lover Mix)" Heavy D
"If you show me where to stand, I will move the earth" Kunal Grover
"Peace and I'm out. Nine double"----
Soccer (9-12); Tennis (10-12); Wrestling {9); Key Club (9-12); SAC (9-12); Class President (10); Prom Committee (11-12); Varsity Lounging (12); Japanese Speaking Club (GGA) (12-infinity); U-N-I-T-Y (12)
Chris Giannotti

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