Page 81 - 1995 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 81

Beth Lebowitz
GEOFF- if i was to ask you a question NAYA- crushed ice sugar drinks, sa-skis?, TOM- heads up!, DAVE- that was defi­ nitely a backdive, no it's not a tackle box, MARYELLEN- or should i say "marybeth", no i'm m aryellen, ALEX- July 23!, catch this with my what?, YUSSIE- yea i'm wet!, it's black, JASON- fine i'll pay up but i still think you fixed that bet!, tie your dam n shoes!, KEN- you're a good driver, how many girls? hootie & the blowfish rule!, take care of yourself next year!, TONI- you're never fully dressed without a scarf, reuben-guy .. want a candy?, real six, TODD- you can see his unit!, he's building a house in there, oh my god it's cousin lou!!, you have the real trilogy?, the fireman at the chicken place, what do you mean it's like glue? whatever i do
don't use a tissue! got it!, remem­
THING! i love you both! ROS- June 8 baby!
Kacy Lissenden B.L-George Washington, college men-choc. chip cookies, Betty Crocker, hot pink&black biki­ nis?, up "THE" creek without a
waz up?" J.W-thanks for the rides, SAT tutors. No Doz G.G-It started at Bowcraft w/Greg and Jess .. 1492, Friday's, devil wor- shipping, Theresa's, girls& cheeseburgers, driving stick T.R, K.K, R.M, A.L- Prom '94-Atlantic m otel ... bed
ber we always have alexius & didn't even like tevas then!),
much!, but what's a phone bill?,
KACY- oh god where to begin?,
hey "betty crocker", duh ... duh
squared, look ... guys are like
bras, 5 saltines & 1 diet pepsi!
that's it?, we are up !*its creek
without a paddle!, bah-bye, hey
you wanna fight?, i love you to
death, you were a friend when i the red light, "there's Ro . bin!"
had none & i'll never forget you K.G-W e never did crash a certain for it!, take care a you!, k.i.t., & party, prom food ... K.G&Mar- stand up for yourself once in "A IGss to Build a Dream on" while!, CHAD-look cows ... aw Drama "clique"-mission impos­ you missed it!, don't raise to sible "You guys are so rude!," much hell next year!, i'll miss ya. temper tantrums, J&K's FLIP! MOM-DAD-thanks for EVERY­ F.J.M-Cassandra?! S.R-"Hey yo.
paddle, "Dulces?", saltines, bugs&green pizza?!..
acme cashier, "duh squared,"
Ferraro's busboy, orange lip-
stick&sunglasses, passing Mr. V,
Use'em and throw 'em away,
(napkins) BUB-BYE! J.Sgenny-
Bean)-Mark and Jeremy, St. Joe's
dances, Robith, prom '94-thanks
for coming over, WHIP IT!,
mixes, walking into closets, A
bruise on m y shoulder?. W est-
field: the odd couple, Lucca's,
driving on the curb. Puff the
Magic Dragon, The Tide is High,
first snowfall, Mr. Phip's = Love
potion no. 9 (45 yr. old fat men?),
W e s t f i e l d h o m e c o m i n g ,
Dino+Evan?, lost in Colonia, en­ Cornbread had a fight! Nicole:
cyclopedia hotline, Benehanna, Italian Village, lost in S. Plain- field T.R-9th-G.S&D.S (we
My locker's open, wanna see Denzel? Jamie & Dave: Bad Dreams? One-eyed girl! Out­ standing! Brain Donors! Two's Company & three's a movie! Who picked this movie? JAMIE. Jamie: "Again?" DAVE: Latin, "I don't think so!" Beth: sugar drink! JUICY-FRUITIS-A-Skies! Paige: I have to go to my car! Chem II: The drawer of simple pleasures! The X-rated room!
Steve!, i love you tons & will
miss you!, MEGS-tearose, inflat­
able bakini, how far have you
gotten?, really how do you do
that?, raw spaghetti, no don't
bring a banana, what do you do
w/ it once it's in your hand?,
dumbo jumbo green sea-weed, i
love you and will miss you SO Cool Water, weather no., Bene­ Spanish AP: Ah, no! STOP
walking home from Westfield, Cosimo's, W estfield Diner, perri- er&croissants ... BORING! Pt. Pleasant, Andy Larson, preppy cars. Want a quarter pounder rare? (extra greasy). Who has two long strands of hair on their feet?, snooping in certain bags.
hanna, Kinko's, we're going to TALKING! Tengo que irsh! college-DKNY underwear or L.L. Heather: DQ! Olympics in Ha­ Bean fleeces? ... M.B-talking on des 2032, Dream Team XI! PUR­ paper, our sleepover, musical ro­ PLE POWER! Geoff: Minah? mances .. C.A&S.K?, Chin peo­
ple, "Do Do Do," lost in S. Plain- field, Benehanna-too many shrimp, Italian Village-running
C.G&K.K-lst pd. was fun, you BOTH want you know who! A.L-What color are Daryl's SHORTS? Work hard and enjoy yourself. Mom & Dad-I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me. I Love You!
Naya Lyons
M ichelle: Starks! Large
Jenn &
Starks! Extra Large Starks! Starkie Style! Alonzo Mourning & Gary Payton, best 2 on 2 team. Aliya & Lisa: "Beans! Corn- bread!" My mother won't let me pluck my eyebrows ... Beans and

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