Page 84 - 1995 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 84

 wear Tommy Hill, anymore, some people went out and bought the whole store. Xarbrae, Jamarr rock on with your bad selves. M ichelle JODECI is noth­ ing go somewhere without each other for once Bradeon how's Roby I'll see ya in the summer Lynette eighth grade bodyguard, prom night I love V-man Peace to the whole St. Peters crew Palak Nirav Himanshu Rajiv and Dharmesh. Ashish you know Krupa likes you Switi you're the best and I'll always love you!!!!!!!!!!
Tamar Poliak Meaghan-The party-Toffy, Bill, Burt and Ernie-She is crazy (Dana)-La Salle! How did we get back to her room? Thirsty-A.D. at Ruby Tuesdays(is that him?)- Your house at night, anything can happen-Menlo Mall(soda)- That night-we were so close (7- eleven)-It's okay to stalk just don't forget the camera-All car­ rots should be shot-You know I will always love him and you
it won't end. 143, Doodle-Paige-
Thanks for being my reality
voice that weekend-If only we
weren't that close!?- Tempta-
tion-You always knew I would
go back.-Annoj-You are my
m om 's friend, tell your parents
I'm not confused anymore!-
Mia-We finally got it!! Try to be
a strong.-M aryellen-All I can say
is English!! Prom??!! W hat are
we going to do?-Sarah-What is
she trying to prove! You under­
stand everything! w hy does she
wear those clothes? HATE! If
you love him let it go ... best ad­
vice! Thanx for being there! I
take pictures! I'm going to m iss
you!- Chrissy-Black M agic-Po- .. I'll get you and Jeff back some­ lice-Butter- Juan-Sat. night what day ... A.M. late nights during did we do?-SAT! nails, moistur­ the summer with James, going to izer-calm down LB! GE! RU!-No the diner in the middle of the Sleep-RT!-The pictures!!-Cute night, hot tubs, fighting, driving doll-Burger King cup?-You're the me to school, deep talks, "stop
too!-Twin-what is he looking Mom and Dad thanx you for at?-Long distant phone calls-no dealing with me and always be­ more card!-random callers-Col- ing there. I love you and will lege-NYC-Don't forget what I
can't say (White Carrot!)- Naya-JT, Coke, Briz (my best friend) and Pearl too-W hy do w e go here?-2 faces in 1-what do they see in her?-TB, GP-Her clothes?-it happens before that thing!!-dreams about swinging.- Michelle-My car!! Eo Fums!! We waited for 2 hours!! Mike! black
jacket-Jamie & Dave-Meircle- w hat tim e is practice?-W hy does he try to overpower me?-It really was fun!!-Lisa-Everything is go­ ing to be okay! The WH bus rides!-I hate her!-Adam- It has been FUN, I'll never forget you or anything that has happened, I really do get your theories, (Coke m achine, the planets and Sun ..), Remember everything you prom­ ised, I never stopped believing.
lie v e
it's fin a lly over!! RRrRR
voice-NYC2-4am-we shouldn't have been there-lazer tag-BC- that Iaugh-17-31707-1RWT -Co­ lette-Big night, I wasn't glaring, her dress was too big!-Jason- bathroom, before graduation
looking at my chest", I love you like a brother. I'll miss you ... G.G. quality bonding time with' the Rings, Chinese, eating din­ ner over my house with Doug and Toby, trying to go sledding, Melanie, Mel-Day, "stop leading her on" ... D.K., P.C., A.P. Land of Make Believe, water mush­ rooms, Princess Leah, "Excuse me", SeanGlen, water water wet, squirrels and trees, w e had so much fun ... B.L. the sit, the smile, the walk, RUBEN GUY!! "would you like a! piece of candy, bad breath, Vermont-get- ting sick, shower goddess, weather god, dolphin noises, six 14 ... D.G. Hey V, why are you in
miss you next year! I can't be­
Toni Ring
K.L. Dave & Greg, eating pop­ corn and water on the phone,
snooping through bookbags looking for binders, driving, col­ lege, Evan, Rich Jeremiah, Rob, buddies, D.S. and J.L.-eating rice cakes and drinking Evian(only on w ild nights). Prom 94- don't ever forget green pizza, in the picture, bed bugs, "gross there is something hanging from the shower", "It's OK, I think its dead ... No its not it moved", KINKOS-never been so confused in my entire life, Shoop ... J.S. summer parties at Andy's and
Franklin's, jumping out of my car at 40 mph screaming "there is scott", toilet papering houses-out to 4 AM, "Tom, Katie was kid-,
napped", w aiting for Rob,
ing to Colette's house
Play practice-tom ato and basil potato chips, sleepovers were al­ ways so much fun-tasting drinks with Katie and Dana, old man during Forest Gump, watching Music Man video-"look his pants fell down", DANCE!!!! . A.L. Prom 94! don't ever forget green pizza, Rob Kacy Ken you and me knocking on hotel doors for a room, Atlantic Hotel, you are so dirty, stop making me gag
walk-1 M.Bj

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