Page 100 - 2014 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 100
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."-Robert Frost
Don't know how I'll ever survive without you. I love you 2 more than anything My guardian angel. I miss you, I love you No me gusta.*Velociraptor* I loafa ju. GoT. BFFS. Trifecta. SC. Where's your green card? DMD. 3BM.
Trifecta. SC. TagTeaming? Burned ur h a ir^ ^ My brother forever. Ratchet How's Sochi? Gorilla Walk. Tay&Gab.’ ( Tarzan. 3BM.Urfake.
\[SSflBGA runs. Matching headbands. #caps^^ Are you coming over for Easter? ME Soccer Studs. McD Runs. 5 Goddessj^ffl Lil Wayne. Blk Beauty. Where's ur neck? Where's my bonnet? LLRC LYates. Laqueesha. Ratchet. Baby bird.^ Can't stalk babyface at HC You've taught me more than you'll ever know. I love you.
FBGM next year for me. I can't imagine the last four years without you guys. Thanks for the amazing memories.