Page 140 - 2014 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 140
Ayan Ahmed will be a Princess.
Amruth Alluri will be the owner of the Spurs and deny access to anyone who
beat him in NBA 2K.
Michael Anastasiou will still be laughing at his jokes. Alexandre Barbet will perform at Carnegie Hall. Randolph Best will be a successful businessman. Joanna Brautigan will own her own restaurant. Douglas Cerminaro III will become a sports agent.
Aditya Dalai will be taking a Go Pro video of himself competing in the U.S.
Katy Duddy will become a professional Lacrosse player.
Andrew Dumont will start the first Feline National Basketball Association in
Mairead Forrest will be the world's most enthusiastic soccer mom.
Joseph Garces will be an doctor.
Taylor Gerhart will be in charge of the NCAA.
Karolyn Gonzalez will still have her name mis-pronounced as Caroline. Jessica Gural will travel around the world.
Samantha Hart will take a trip around the world. John Houston will be the next talk show host.
Shareef Ibraheem will still be dropping weight bars. Shafeeq Ibraheem will cure cancer.
Catherine Iszard will be a southern belle.
Bryan Jimenez will star on an AMC drama television show. Tanisha Lakha will have visited her motherland.
Samantha Lamparello will be on Broadway.
Chase Levitt will still not know what a bacon cheeseburger tastes like. Caroline McNamara will magically appear when you least expect it.
Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered.