Page 22 - 2014 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 22
The Upper & Middle Schools gathered in Laidlaw Gym to put their spirit on display. The W-H sports teams stormed into Laidlaw with thunderous applause from students and teachers. After speeches, from the various team captains, the competition began. Students participated in
Ship to Shore, Hula Hoop Challenge, Cookie Challenge, and a Balloon Race compeition.
The Balloon Race
Students had to run to the opposite side of the gym and back, while balancing a balloon between them.
Hula Hoop Challenge
Students had to keep a hula hoop up, while doing unique challenges, such as kneeling on the floor or balancing on one foot.
Oreo Challenge
Ship to Shore
Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conq^ered.
Students had to balance An updated game of
an Oreo on their foreheads and get it to their mouths, without using their hands.
'Simon Says'; students had to listen to commands made by the