Page 52 - 2014 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 52

 Dear Wardlaw-Hartridge School 8th Grade Graduates,
Congratulations on completing Middle School and on all of your achievements during your time here. You have been part of an amazing class and had a fantastic year. You have made your parents, your teachers, and me so very proud!
During your time in Middle School you have discovered much of what the world can do for you, and have begun to understand what you can offer the world. It needs you-we all do-so as you make your way through the next portion of your formal education, pay attention, draw upon the lessons learned here, and continue to be your best self and do your best work. You have just eight short years of school before your college graduation!
What you do during the next eight years and beyond will certainly be a detemining factor in how you spend the rest of your life, but even more paramount than what you do is who you will become. Go forward, give it your all and make the most of it. Be kind. And be grateful-to and for yourself, your peers, your parents, and your world. Look for every opportunity to express appreciation and gratitude in life and take advantage of as many as you possibly can.
Remember that while your last day of classes in Middle School is behind you, your tie to us remains and will get stronger in the years ahead. Give us a big hello when you see us, stay in touch, and let us know how you are faring in Upper School, in college, and in life. You have a home on "C Deck" forever. And dear parents of our Graduates, so do you—so please stay close as well.
With great fondness and respectfully yours,
~ Margaret Rourke Granados Middle School Head
Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquere

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