Page 6 - 2014 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 6

 Board of Trustees
Top row, left to right: Nayan Dalai; Robert Berry; Suresh Mody; Sunil Shah; Peter Minnium; Jeanne Barbet; Janice Innis- Thompson; Erica Needle; Randy Rogers '81; Anthony D'Amore; Rob Rizzo '89, Board Treasurer; Suresh Nichani; Greg Casagrande '81, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer.
Bottom Row, left to right: Pamela Hattem, Board Secretary; Emilie Marvosa '85; Ted Osborne 71, Board President; Sheelagh Clarke; Noorali Sonawalla, Board Vice-President.
Not Pictured: Frances Bessette; Daniel Schildge.
Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I cor* ~re<t

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