Page 16 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 16

 Mar. Mar.
Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. ■Apr. Alay May
June June June
3— Basketball game between V and TT. V wins, 25-1 i
(S--School cold. “The Reverend” was delayed two hours on ac- count of his wife’s having hidtlen his clothes
10— Basketball game between I\" and I. I\’ wins. 22-3 17— We appear in green
17— Basketball game between and II. I\" wins, 35-3 19— Basketball game between III and II. Ill wins, 37-10
22— Miss Seward sails for Europe
24— Basketball game between and III. wins, 11-8 27— Fair for the benefit of Muhlenberg Hospital 29—Basketball game between I\’ and III. 1\" wins, 48-12
1-12—Spring vacation
2 1 — Athletic Association Banquet
22—Field Day
2— Merchant of Fenice presented at Oakwood
3— Graduation 4-—Dance

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