Page 42 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 42

 The New House
One spring morning, an “Acornite” sprang up at the sound of the rising bell, and hastened to the window to look for some signs of the new season. I'hen she called to the other girls In great excitement. On the west side of the circle a small house had sprung up In the night, mush­
room fashion. It was surrounded by a box hedge, and the narrow path leading up to the open front door looked very Inviting. The daffodils and gay colored crocuses peeping above the lawn nodded their heads and waved
a welcome.
7Te girls eagerly hurried across to accept the hospitality of the flow­
ers, and trooped through the open door. I'hey stepped directly Into a living room lined with low bookcases, and having an open fireplace at one end. and cozy window seats that gave a homelike atmosphere to the room. On either side a door led Into bedrooms of pleasing proportions, with large low windows, through which the sunlight was streaming. Up­ stairs were more bedrooms, bath rooms, and a linen closet; on the third floor the girls found several maids’ rooms and a trunk attic. Some one happened to peep Into the basement, and there she discovered a laundry with all the tubs, wringers, and Irons Bessie could wish.
Of course the girls were delighted with their new possession, and he gan to plan eagerly for the ceremony of laying the cornerstone. It was decided to make It part of the hearth In front of the hall fireplace. The date was to be Inscribed on It, and several objects, such as a newspaper, an Annual, and a list of the girls’ names were to be deposited Inside. x-
d with this ceremony the new house was formally taken Into the Hartrldge School.

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