Page 59 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 59

 May Day
On the morning of May-day, last year, the weather was rather unde­ cided as to whether it should rain or shine. At noon, however, it made up its mind and the sun came out. As soon as luncheon was over, and the guests had begun to arrive, the Acorn was in an uproar. Costumes were hacked off at the bottom, cut at the neck, and then pieced together again.
Many of the day pupils had not arrived, and the girls who were not in the play were hanging out of tlie windows encouraging us by detailed accounts of the great numbers of people. At last, at about half past two, after
frantic hurrying and scurrying, the procession, which was to begin the play,
was ready. It started at the Acorn, crossed the lawn on the road side of the tennis court, continued across the hockey field, and disappeared behind the summer house.
The name of the play gi\ en was "Pan’s Holiday," in which Pan tries to find a playmate, and finally succeetls. Marian Drake was Pan, and 1lelen I'homas, as a Dryad, was the playmate. They danced together so charmingly, that 1 am very sure that the people who came to the play
will long remember them.
Pehind the scenes, which really means down in the woodsy part back of the stage, the hub-hub of the .Acorn still went on. We, who were sup­ posed to be hidden, had to lie flat on the ground. Stage whispers of "lie down! you’ll be seen!” with like messages from Miss Shaw were heard
from all quarters, because, of course, every one had to see who was in the audience, despite the fact we already knew for the most part. Many tragic mistakes occurred which 1 am sure no one but the actors saw, but which are rather funny when one thinks of them now. For instance, the water mtiiphs were to dance with bare feet, and, because the ground was full of pine needles, they kept shoes on until the last moment. I'he result was

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