Page 87 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 87

P)-inters and Publishers
18 iVliidison A\’eiuie IMaintiekl, N
Wh\' We Serve C'rane’s Ice Cream
W'e know that Crane’s Philadelphia Ice Cream ^ives lOO^f satisfaction. Crane’s surpasses all other Ice Creams hecanse it is made of pure jiastiirized cream, and tlve finest ingredients obtainable—Mexican \anila beans, choice fruits and cane
snsi'ar. It is good, old-fashioned, rich Philadelphia Ice Cream, made in the most im\]n'0\ed Ice Cream jilant in the world.
SlcR\'b:i) ONLY BY CS IN PLAlNFIiaj) i\\ onr New Soda b'oimtain vonr table awaits von.
WllJJAM M. WALSH DRL(^ CO, ^neen City Hotel Rmldinyr
C'orner least Second Street and Park Avenue
Best wishes from a friend of
From a well wisher of l empora et Mores”
E. T.
l empora et Mores”
W. D. F.

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