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WORLD NEWSWednesday 18 May 2016

Wave of bombings in Baghdad kill 69 people

SINAN SALAHEDDIN                                                                                                                    killing eight people and
Associated Press
BAGHDAD (AP) — A wave                                                                                                               wounding 22 others, a
of bombings struck outdoor
markets and a restaurant                                                                                                            police officer said.
in Shiite-dominated
neighborhoods of Baghdad                                                                                                            That afternoon in northeast
on Tuesday, killing at least
69 people, officials said                                                                                                           Baghdad, a suicide bomber
— the latest in a string of
attacks in and around the                                                                                                           targeted a restaurant in the
Iraqi capital that have left
more than 200 dead in the                                                                                                           Habibiya neighborhood,
past week.
The four separate bombings                                                                                                          killing nine and wounding
were a further challenge
to the beleaguered                                                                                                                  18.
government of Prime
Minister Haider al-Abadi,                                                                                                           Medical officials confirmed
who is struggling to prove
that his forces can maintain                                                                                                        the casualty figures. All
security in Baghdad and
elsewhere.                                                                                                                          officials spoke on condition
One of the bombings
Tuesday struck an outdoor                                                                                                           of anonymity as they were
market in the heavily Shiite
district of Sadr City, a                                                                                                            not authorized to talk to
frequent bombing target.
In the wake of the blast,                                                                                                           reporters.
influential Shiite cleric
Muqtada al-Sadr, whose                                                                                                              Commercial and public
support runs deep in the
district named after his                                                                                                            places in Shiite-dominated
father, issued a statement
to his followers, saying the                                                                                                        areas are among the
attacks “are the clearest
evidence that your                                                                                                                  most frequent targets for
government has become
unable to protect and                                                                                                               the Sunni militants seeking
provide you with security.”
The Islamic State group later                                                                                                       to undermine the Iraqi
claimed responsibility for
the attack in a statement                                                                                                           government efforts to
posted to a militant website
commonly used by the                                                                                                                maintain security inside
Fighters with al-Sadr’s militia,  Security forces and citizens inspect the scene after a suicide car bombing hit a crowded outdoor  the capital. But the Islamic
Saraya Salam, deployed
to the streets of Sadr City       market in Baghdad’s eastern Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City, Iraq, Tuesday, May 17, 2016.        State has not confined
following the bombing,
another indication of a                                                 Associated Press                                            its latest attacks only to
lack of confidence in Iraq’s
official security forces.         and wounding 75 others. attack came less than a As IS loses ground on                             Baghdad.
In an online statement, IS
also claimed responsibility       In that attack, a roadside week after a massive truck the front lines, Iraqi and                  Earlier Tuesday, Iraqi oil
for the deadliest bombing of
the day, which took place         bomb first exploded bomb in a crowded market coalition officials say the                          workers resumed work at
in Baghdad’s northeastern
Shaab neighborhood ,              outside the concrete blast here killed more than 60 group is increasingly turning                 a natural gas plant north
killing at least 34 people
                                  walls surrounding an open- and wounded over 80 on to insurgency-style attacks                     of Baghdad, two days

                                  air market, followed by May 11.       to distract from their losses.                              after a coordinated IS

                                  a suicide bomber who Al-Sadr led anti- On the westernmost                                         dawn assault left at least

                                  blew himself up as people government protests last outskirts of Iraq’s vast                       14 people dead there, a

                                  gathered to help the month that peaked with Anbar province, Iraqi                                 senior Oil Ministry official

                                  victims of the first explosion, the breaching of the Green forces entered the town                said.

                                  a police officer said.  Zone, the highly fortified of Rutba, about 240 miles                      Sunday’s        spectacular

                                  The IS statement said the compound in the heart of (380 kilometers) west of                       attack in the town of Taji,

                                  attack was carried out Baghdad that’s home to Baghdad Tuesday. The                                about 20 kilometers (12

                                  by an Iraqi who targeted many ministries and foreign town sits just south of a                    miles) north of Baghdad,

                                  members of Shiite militias. embassies. Since then the key IS-controlled border                    saw a suicide car bombing

                                  The Associated Press could Iraqi government has been crossing with neighboring                    at the facility’s main gate,

                                  not verify the authenticity largely paralyzed. Iraqi Syria used to ferry fighters                 followed by several IS

                                  of the statement but it security officials say they and supplies to IS-held                       fighters breaking into the

                                  was posted on a militant are concerned political territory in Iraq.                               plant where they clashed

                                  website commonly used by instability is distracting If successful, Rutba will be                  with security forces for

                                  extremists.             from the fight against IS. the latest victory for Iraqi                   hours before the attackers

                                  Later in the afternoon However, some analysts forces in Anbar. Last month,                        were repelled.

                                  Tuesday, a suicide car say the extremist group Iraqi forces took back the                         In 2014 after the Islamic

                                  bombing hit a crowded is launching the attacks town of Hit and in February                        State group blitzed across

                                  outdoor market in Sadr at a time of political crisis the provincial capital                       Iraq and declared an

                                  City, killing 18 people and in an attempt to further Ramadi was declared fully                    Islamic caliphate on the

                                  wounding 35 others. Sadr delegitimize the Iraqi liberated from IS.                                territory it holds in Iraq and

                                  City has been one of the government.  Tuesday morning, shortly                                    Syria, the extremists were

                                  worst-hit districts as the The uptick in bombings, after the Shaab attack, a                      estimated to hold nearly a

                                  Islamic State group has many claimed by IS, also parked car bomb struck a                         third of Iraqi territory. Since

                                  increasingly  employed comes as the group has fruit-and-vegetable market                          then Iraq’s government

                                  terrorist attacks against lost significant chunks of in the Shiite-dominated                      says the group’s hold has

                                  Iraqi civilians far from territory to Iraqi ground neighborhood of Dora,                          shrunk to just 14 percent of

                                  frontline fighting. The forces over the past year. in southern Baghdad,                           Iraq.q
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