Page 14 - Aruba Today
P. 14


LOCALWednesday 18 May 2016

Joseph and Denise Heumen honored at the Aruba Holiday Inn Resort

Recently the Aruba Tour-      tors of Aruba, at the Holi-  the Minister of Tourism as   and are loyal guests from      Joseph and Denise are
ism Authority had the great   day Inn Beach Resort, as     a token of appreciation to   the Holiday Inn Resort, they   looking forward to many
pleasure of honoring a        Distinguished visitors. The  guests who visit Aruba for   love the friendly people of    more visit to their beloved
very nice couple whom         symbolic honorary title is   10 to 20 consecutive years.  Aruba, the safety, climate,    Aruba.  The certificate was
are loyal and friendly Visi-  presented in the name of     The honorees were Mr. Jo-    beaches, restaurants, and      presented by Mr. Ernest
                                                           seph and Mrs. Denise Heu-    Aruba feels like a second      Giel representing the Aru-
                                                           men from Secaucus NJ.        home, but most of all they     ba Tourism Authority to-
                                                           USA. Joseph and Denise       love the employees work-       gether with Kevin and John
                                                           love the Island very much    ing at the Holiday Inn, they   representing the Holiday
                                                                                        are like a family to them.     Inn Beach Resort..q

                                                                                        Frank and Susan Crianza
                                                                                        honored at the Costa Lin-
                                                                                        da Beach Resort

                                                                                        Recently the Aruba Tour-       Costa Linda and they love
                                                                                        ism Authority had the great    Aruba very much because
                                                                                        pleasure of honoring a very    of the friendly people, the
                                                                                        nice couple whom are           climate,
                                                                                        loyal and friendly Visitor of  beaches, restaurants, and
                                                                                        Aruba, at the Costa Linda      Aruba feels like a second
                                                                                        Beach Resort, as Ambassa-      home, the people are like
                                                                                        dors of Goodwill.              a family to them and Costa
                                                                                        The symbolic honorary title    Linda is their home away
                                                                                        is presented in the name of    from home.
                                                                                        the Minister of Tourism as a     The certificates were pre-
                                                                                        token of appreciation to       sented by Mr. Ernest Giel
                                                                                        guests who visit Aruba for     representing the Aruba
                                                                                        20 to 34 consecutive years.    Tourism Authority together
                                                                                        The honorees were Mr.          with the daughter of the
                                                                                        Frank and Mrs. Susan Cri-      Crianza’s and staff mem-
                                                                                        anza. Frank and Susan          bers of   the Costa Linda
                                                                                        are loyal members of the       Beach Resort.q
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