Page 15 - Aruba Today
P. 15

                                                                                                                    Wednesday 18 May 2016

Patricia O’Neill honored at the Divi Village

Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority had     Lakeville, MA. USA.
the great pleasure of honoring a very nice   Patricia loves Aruba very much for the cli-
Lady who is a loyal and friendly visitor of  mate, beaches, restaurants, night live and
Aruba, as Ambassador of Goodwill, at the     she loves to be with her Aruban friends at
Aruba Divi Village The symbolic honorary     the Resort.
title is presented in the name of the Min-   The certificate was presented by Mr. Er-
ister of Tourism as a token of appreciation  nest Giel representing the Aruba Tourism
to guests who visit Aruba for 20 to 34 con-  Authority together with Ms. Gloria Defoe
secutive years.                              representing the Divi Village and Patricia’s
The honoree was Mrs. Patricia O’Neill from   friend. q
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