Page 16 - Aruba Today
P. 16


  LOCALWednesday 18 May 2016

The 16th Annual Soul Beach Music Festival Aruba To Headline Miguel,
Fantasia & The Isley Brothers on Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-30!

ORANJESTAD - Let your soul     ferent decades. Claiming       album, was just released        in addition to experiencing      covered from the hottest
glow with the 16th Annual      the #1 spot on Billboard’s     in January and is already       Aruba’s award-winning,           day time parties to the ul-
Soul Beach Music Festival      R&B Albums chart for the       climbing the Billboard          pristine white sand beach-       timate cool down, featur-
hosted by Aruba, featur-       second time and debut-         Charts.                         es, lively island-style culture  ing celebrity DJs spinning
ing award-winning pow-                                                                                                         on the ones and twos till
erhouses such as The Isley                                                                                                     dawn with exclusive night-
Brothers, featuring Ronald                                                                                                     club entertainment. Get
and Ernest Isley, Miguel and                                                                                                   ready for the time of your
singer-songwriter Fantasia                                                                                                     life in Aruba, the epitome
delivering breathtaking                                                                                                        of splendor, where island
main stage concert perfor-                                                                                                     culture, expansive adven-
mances this Memorial Day                                                                                                       ture and culinary extrava-
weekend, May 25-30.                                                                                                            gance meet smiling faces.
Aruba’s annual Soul Beach                                                                                                      The 2016 Soul Beach Mu-
Music Festival, previously                                                                                                     sic Festival will roll out
named #4 by USA Today                                                                                                          more highly anticipated
readers’ choice “10 Best                                                                                                       announcements of main
Caribbean Celebrations”                                                                                                        stage performing artists
and #1 “Caribbean Sum-                                                                                                         in the weeks to come. For
mer Festival” by Jetsetter                                                                                                     information about ticket
Magazine, boasts a cross-                                                                                                      sales, accommodations
section of visitors and ce-                                                                                                    and the latest updates sign
lebrities who attend this                                                                                                      up for CLUB SOUL BEACH,
renowned three-in-one ex-                                                                                                      by visiting http://www.
perience featuring live mu-                                                                                           Join the
sic performances, comedy                                                                                                       Soul Beach Music Festival
shows and beach parties.                                                                                                       community: follow us on
“It’s an honor to host such                                                                                                    Twitter and Instagram @

talented and dynamic art-      ing at #2 on the Billboard     “This year’s multi-genera-      and world-renowned culi-         SoulBeachMusic and be-
ists on our One Happy Is-      200 Album Chart, Miguel’s      tional artists represent some   nary scene.                      come a fan of the 2016
land,” says Otmar Oduber,      critically acclaimed and       of the best performers and      “The Soul Beach Music            Soul Beach Music Festival
Minister of Tourism, Primary   Grammy-nominated third         greatest voices in the music    Festival is one of our most      on
Sector and Culture. “Visi-     studio album, ‘Wildheart,’     industry,” said Mark Adkins,    popular annual extrava-
tors not only experience       speaks to the velocity of      Executive Producer of Soul      ganzas,” says Ronella Tjin       The 2016 Soul Beach Music
top-notch performances         heart pounding vocals he       Beach Festival Productions.     Asjoe-Croes, CEO of Aruba        Festival is primarily spon-
during Soul Beach Music        brings, to culminate the       “Join us in Aruba and en-       Tourism Authority. “Travel-      sored by Aruba Tourism
Festival, but are also wel-    Soul Beach Harbor Arena        joy the stellar Comedy          ers looking for more than        Authority; sponsor Ebony
comed to enjoy Aruba’s         concerts. Fantasia’s third     and Music performances          a basic beach getaway            Magazine; additional spon-
signature experiences and      album,                         combined with 30 events         this Memorial Day Week-          sors include Aruba Hotel
culture during their stay.”    Back to Me, featured the       over 5 days plus a lifetime     end will find their paradise     and Tourism Association,
The Isley Brothers, sure to    Grammy-winning single,         of sensational memories.        in Aruba while enjoying          Renaissance Aruba Resort
mesmerize festival goers       “Bittersweet”, and to date,    There will be more exciting     electrifying entertainment       & Casino, Divi Resorts, Mar-
with their timeless musical    she’s sold nearly three mil-   performances announced          and international culinary       riott Aruba Resort & Stel-
repertoire, are Inductees to   lion records and 1.5 million   soon!”                          influences on some of            laris Casino, Hyatt Regency
the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame,  digital tracks domestically,   Visitors and performers         the world’s most famous          Aruba Resort Spa & Casino,
winners of countless music     which signifies her place in   alike are invited to par-       beaches.”                        Tropicana Aruba Resort
and lifetime achievement       the heart of main stage at-    ticipate in the excitement      Whether joining this unpar-      & Casino, The Mill Resort
awards and remain the          tendees. “No Time For It”,     and festivities of this year’s  alleled production by air,       & Suites Aruba, De Palm
only group to have chart-      the first single from her new  Soul Beach Music Festival       land or sea, we’ve got you       Tours, Econo Car Rental.q
ed hit records in five dif-
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