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UP FRONTWednesday 18 May 2016

 Kentucky Primary             In this May 8, 2016 file photo, Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.,                                        in November. I want to
                              speaks at a campaign rally in Piscataway, N.J.                                                                                        help to bring back the
   Continued from Front                                                                                                                                             kind of economy that
                                                                                                                                                  Associated Press  worked for everybody in
The race was too close to                                                                                                                                           the 1990s.”
call a winner in Kentucky     following a divisive week-     ment on Tuesday dismissing       into the Oregon contest —                                             Facing a choice between
but Clinton wrote on her      end state party conven-        complaints from Nevada           fewer than 100 delegates                                              Clinton and Sanders, phy-
Twitter feed: “We just won    tion in Nevada. Supporters     Democrats as “nonsense”          short of the 1,237 he needs                                           sician Annie Skaggs in
Kentucky! Thanks to every-    of Sanders tossed chairs       and said his supporters          to clinch the nomination.                                             Campbellsville, Kentucky,
one who turned out. We’re     and made death threats         were not being treated           For Democrats, 55 del-                                                said she had a hard time
always stronger united.”      against the Nevada party       with “fairness and respect.”     egates were up for grabs                                              making up her mind.
With almost all the votes     chairwoman at the event        Trump won the sole GOP           in Kentucky and 61 dele-                                              “I like them both. I want-
counted, Clinton held a       in Las Vegas, arguing the      contest in Oregon. The           gates were at stake in Or-                                            ed to put them both in a
narrow lead of less than      party leadership rigged the    billionaire businessman          egon. Clinton and Sanders                                             blender and whir them
one-half of 1 percent as      results of the convention in   picked up nine delegates         will each pick up at least                                            up together,” she said. “I
she tried to avoid ending     favor of Clinton.              earlier Tuesday in Guam,         25 delegates in Kentucky,                                             voted for Hillary. She’s got
the primary season with a     In a sign of the tensions be-  which held its territorial con-  with five delegates remain-                                           a little broader base and
string of losses to the Ver-  tween the two sides, Sand-     vention in March, and had        ing to be allocated pend-                                             more experience, espe-
mont senator.                 ers issued a defiant state-    1,143 delegates heading          ing final vote tallies.                                               cially with foreign policy.”
Sanders was favored in Or-                                                                    The Sanders campaign did                                              Sharon Sharp said she
egon’s primary later Tues-                                                                    not immediately saying                                                voted for Sanders for one
day.                                                                                          whether it will challenge                                             reason: He is not Hillary
Clinton holds a com-                                                                          the results in Kentucky,                                              Clinton.
manding lead of nearly                                                                        which does not have an                                                “Benghazi and the
300 pledged delegates                                                                         automatic recount.                                                    emails? That’s just too
over Sanders and a domi-                                                                                                                                            much to trust her to run
nant advantage among                                                                                                                                                my country,” Sharp said
party officials and elected                                                                                                                                         after casting her vote.
leaders known as super-                                                                                                                                             Sanders was favored in
delegates. The outcomes                                                                                                                                             Oregon, which is among
in Kentucky and Oregon                                                                                                                                              the nation’s most liberal
were not expected to                                                                                                                                                states. Sanders secured
change that and the for-                                                                                                                                            the endorsement of Sen.
mer secretary of state re-                                                                                                                                          Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., in
mains on track to clinch                                                                                                                                            April.
the nomination in early                                                                                                                                             Nearing the end of a
June.                                                                                                                                                               long primary slog, the two
Tuesday’s elections took                                                                                                                                            Democratic candidates
place amid new ques-                                                                                                                                                are preparing for June
tions about party unity                                                                                                                                             7 primaries in California,
                                                                                                                                                                    New Jersey and four oth-
                                                                                              In Kentucky, the former                                               er states. When pledged
                                                                                              secretary of state visited                                            delegates and superdel-
                                                                                              black churches, a small-                                              egates are combined,
                                                                                              town diner and held rallies                                           Clinton is now about 95
                                                                                              on Sunday and Monday in                                               percent of the way to-
                                                                                              an effort to break up Sand-                                           ward securing the Demo-
                                                                                              ers’ momentum after his                                               cratic nomination.
                                                                                              recent victories in Indiana                                           Sanders has vowed to
                                                                                              and West Virginia.                                                    campaign through the
                                                                                              Clinton’s husband, former                                             end of the primary season
                                                                                              President Bill Clinton, was                                           on June 14 in the District
                                                                                              the last Democrat to carry                                            of Columbia and amass
                                                                                              the state in a presidential                                           as many delegates as
                                                                                              election — he won Ken-                                                possible to influence the
                                                                                              tucky in 1992 and 1996 —                                              party’s platform and mes-
                                                                                              and the former first lady                                             sage.
                                                                                              tried to emphasize those                                              He is still aiming to wres-
                                                                                              ties in the days leading up                                           tle the nomination from
                                                                                              to the primary.                                                       Clinton, even though he
                                                                                              “I’m excited about the pri-                                           would need to win about
                                                                                              mary but we’ve got to turn                                            two-thirds of the remain-
                                                                                              a lot of people out,” Clin-                                           ing pledged delegates to
                                                                                              ton told a packed diner in                                            end the primary season in
                                                                                              Paducah, Ky., on Monday.                                              a tie.
                                                                                              “I’ll tell you this. I’m not go-                                      Sanders campaigned
                                                                                              ing to give up on Kentucky                                            Monday and Tuesday in
                                                                                                                                                                    Puerto Rico, which holds
                                                                                                                                                                    its contest on June 5, and
                                                                                                                                                                    was holding a rally in the
                                                                                                                                                                    Los Angeles area late
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