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P. 7

                                                                                                                                    Wednesday 18 May 2016

                        Wednesday Night is Salsa Night

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         Report finds segregation in education on the rise 

JENNIFER C. KERR                ting worse quickly,” Rep.     subsequent legislative ac-
                                Bobby Scott of Virginia       tion, research has shown
Associated Press                said. The analysis, he said,  that some of the most vex-
                                confirmed that America’s      ing issues affecting children
WASHINGTON (AP) — Six           schools are largely segre-    and their access to educa-
                                gated by race and class,      tional excellence and op-
decades after the Supreme       leaving more than 20 million  portunity today are inextri-
                                students “attending racially  cably linked to race and
Court outlawed separating       and socioeconomically iso-    poverty,” the report said.
                                lated public schools.”        In the 2013-2014 school
students by race, stubborn      “This report is a national    year, 16 percent of the na-
                                call to action,” said Scott,  tion’s public schools had
disparities persist in how the  the House education com-      high concentrations of
                                mittee’s top Democrat and     poor and black or Hispanic
country educates its poor       among the lawmakers who       students, up from 9 percent
                                requested the study. Its re-  at the start of the millen-
and minority children.          lease coincided with the      nium, the review of Edu-
                                62nd anniversary of the       cation Department data
A report Tuesday by the         Brown v. Board of Educa-      found. Student bodies at
                                tion ruling, which declared   these schools were at least
nonpartisan Government          segregated schools uncon-     75 percent black or Hispan-
                                stitutional.                  ic — and in some cases 100
Accountability    Office        “While much has changed       percent.
                                in public education in the    These schools tended to
found deepening segrega-        decades following this        provide fewer math cours-
                                landmark decision and         es, with calculus and sev-
tion of black and Hispanic

students at high-poverty

K-12 public schools. These

schools offered fewer

math, science and college                                                                    Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., ranking member on the House Educa-
                                                                                             tion and the Workforce Committee, left, stands with Rep. John
prep classes, while hav-                                                                     Conyers, D-Mich. during a news conference on Capitol Hill in
                                                                                             Washington, Tuesday, May 17, 2016.
ing higher rates of students
                                                                                                                                                                 Associated Press
who are held back in ninth

grade, suspended or ex-

pelled.                                                                                      enth grade and eighth          ogy, chemistry and phys-
                                                                                             grade algebra seen as          ics courses than their more
“Segregation in public K-12                                                                  particularly lacking. In sci-  affluent counterparts with
                                                                                             ence, they had less biol-      fewer minority students.q
schools isn’t getting better.

It’s getting worse, and get-
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