Page 9 - Aruba Today
P. 9

                                                                                                                                         Wednesday 18 May 2016


                                                                                      Second Mexican judge approves
                                                                                      “El Chapo” Guzman’s extradition

Charlie Lowthian-Rickert, a transgender female, is comforted by                       E. EDUARDO CASTILLO              In this Jan. 8, 2016 file photo, Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El
her dad Chris Rickert as her mom Anne Lowthian, right, after                          Associated Press               Chapo” Guzman is escorted by army soldiers to a waiting heli-
speaking beside Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould during                          MEXICO CITY (AP) — A           copter, at a federal hangar in Mexico City, after he was recap-
an announcement in the foyer of the House of Commons on                               second Mexican judge           tured from breaking out of a maximum security prison in Mexico. 
Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Tuesday, May 17, 2016, regarding                         has ruled that the extradi-
legislation on gender identity and gender expression.                                 tion of drug lord Joaquin                                                                          Associated Press
                                                                                      “El Chapo” Guzman to the
                                                                    Associated Press  United States can go for-      latest judge’s decision on     ferred to a prison in Juarez
                                                                                      ward, judicial authorities     Friday and now awaits the      near the U.S. border in
Canada introduces                                                                     announced Monday.              foreign ministry’s decision.   what the government said
                                                                                      The process still awaits ap-   He said if the government      had to do with new efforts
bill to protect                                                                       proval of Mexico’s foreign     approves extradition they      to improve security at Alti-
                                                                                      ministry and it can be ap-     will pursue an injunction.     plano.
transgender people                                                                    pealed.                        “We are going to do it, but    Rodriguez, Guzman’s law-
                                                                                      The judge’s decision was       not right away, because        yer, is working for his trans-
ROB GILLIES                     would, if passed, make it il-                         on an extradition request      it’s a process you have to     fer back to Altiplano, argu-
Associated Press                legal to prevent someone                              from a federal court in        fight with arguments,” he      ing that the transfer hurt
TORONTO (AP) — Cana-            from getting a job or to dis-                         Texas. Last week, another      said. “We have 30 days.”       his defense because the
dian Prime Minister Justin      criminate in the workplace                            judge made the same de-        Guzman was arrested in         judge handling the case
Trudeau has put forward a       on the basis of gender                                termination on a separate      January after almost six       is near Altiplano and hun-
bill to extend human rights     identity or gender expres-                            extradition request from a     months on the run fol-         dreds of miles from Juarez.
protections to transgender      sion. It also expands hate                            federal court in California.   lowing his escape from a       He said a judge told them
Canadians.                      speech laws to include                                The second decision starts     maximum security prison        Guzman could be returned
Justice Minister Jody Wil-      gender identity and gen-                              another 20-day period dur-     through a mile-long tunnel     to Altiplano if prison author-
son-Raybould said Tues-         der expression.                                       ing which the foreign minis-   that opened to the floor of    ities determine the condi-
day the law is necessary to     Similar legislation has pre-                          try can decide to allow the    his shower.                    tions are right. They were
make it unequivocal that        viously failed to pass Par-                           extradition. If it approves    He had already escaped         waiting to hear from the
transgender persons have        liament several times, in-                            the extradition, Guzman’s      once before in 2001 and        government.
the right to live free from     cluding last year. But when                           lawyers would have 30          spent more than a decade       Earlier Monday, Rodriguez
discrimination,                 Trudeau was elected late                              days to appeal, making it      as one of the world’s most     said in a radio interview
                                last year and he appointed                            possible that the extradi-     wanted fugitives until he      that Guzman’s wife, Emma
  hate propaganda and           Wilson-Raybould,                                      tion of the leader of the      was recaptured in 2014.        Coronel visited Guzman in
hate crimes. The proposal       he made it a part of her                              Sinaloa cartel could still be  After his latest capture, au-  the Juarez prison recently.
comes amid a U.S. debate        mandate to introduce the                              months away.                   thorities returned him to the  Authorities have said Guz-
about transgender bath-         legislation.                                          The Foreign Relations De-      same Altiplano prison of       man can be held safely
room policies that limit rest-  “Everyone deserves to live                            partment said in a state-      the brazen tunnel escape.      in Juarez where like in Alti-
room use to people based        free of stigma & persecu-                             ment later Monday that it      They said they had rein-       plano he is under 24-hour
on their birth sex.             tion, no matter who they                              had received the judge’s       forced the prison’s security.  surveillance through cam-
Asked what her message          are or whom they love,”                               notification and that it has   But earlier this month, Guz-   eras in his cell and on the
to America is, Wilson-Ray-      Trudeau tweeted.                                      20 work days to consider       man was suddenly trans-        helmets of his guards.q
bould said: “This is a mes-     His government has the                                the request.
sage to all Canadians that      majority of seats in the                              The courts said Monday
we live in a time where         House of Commons so it will                           that the second case is re-
discrimination in any form      likely pass there. After that                         lated to charges for con-
is completely unaccept-         it will go to the unelected                           spiracy to import and dis-
able.”                          Senate.q                                              tribute cocaine and mari-
The Canadian legislation                                                              juana, money laundering,
                                                                                      arms possession and mur-
                                                                                      Guzman faces charges
                                                                                      from seven federal prose-
                                                                                      cutors in the U.S., including
                                                                                      Chicago, New York, Miami
                                                                                      and San Diego.
                                                                                      Jose Refugio Rodriguez,
                                                                                      one of Guzman’s lawyers,
                                                                                      said Monday that their
                                                                                      team was notified of the
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