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P. 4


WORLD NEWSMonday 24 October 2016

Haitian authorities recapture a dozen of 172 escaped inmates 

A police officer stands outside a room of inmates after a prison break at the Civil Prison in the                               checkpoints along roads        gunfire with police during
coastal town of Arcahaiea, Haiti. Over 100 inmates escaped after they overpowered guards who                                    to search vehicles. Small      the chaotic breakout.
were escorting them to a bathing area.                                                                                          boats in fishing towns         The inmates attacked after
                                                                                                                                around Arcahaie were also      they were released from a
                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)  being checked.                 crammed holding pen to
                                                                                                                                Heurtelou Paul Colson, di-     bathe, according to pro-
DIEU NALIO CHERY               and fled from a lockup in        that was slammed by Hurri-                                      rector of the Arcahaie Pris-   vincial authorities.
Associated Press               central Haiti, the prison’s di-  cane Matthew’s eye earlier                                      on, said the lockup housed     After the escape, the body
ARCAHAIE, Haiti (AP) — Po-     rector said.                     this month.                                                     266 inmates.                   of the dead corrections of-
lice officers were search-     The prison break occurred        One guard was reported                                          Justice Minister Camille Ed-   ficer was sprawled on the
ing cars and boats for es-     Saturday in Arcahaie, a          killed and an inmate died                                       ward Junior told Haiti’s big-  ground and bullet holes
caped prisoners on Sunday      coastal town about 30            following a bad fall while                                      gest newspaper, The Nou-       marked the prison’s main
after recapturing at least a   miles north of Haiti’s capi-     trying to scale a prison wall.                                  velliste, that the alleged     door. Inside, the wrought
dozen of the 172 inmates       tal. The community is far        Haitian National Police                                         mastermind of the escape,      iron cell doors had been
who overpowered guards         from the southwest area          officers set up numerous                                        convicted kidnapper Yven-      thrown open and sandals
                                                                                                                                er Carelus, was among the      and clothing were scat-
                                                                                                                                men captured after the         tered about. Authorities
                                                                                                                                prison break.                  held a prisoner who tried
                                                                                                                                “He planned the escape         to flee.Haitian prisons are
                                                                                                                                from the inside with a few     notoriously overcrowded
                                                                                                                                accomplices,” the minister     and many inmates spend
                                                                                                                                was quoted as saying.          years in pre-trial detention.
                                                                                                                                Prime Minister Enex Jean-      It wasn’t immediately clear
                                                                                                                                Charles said the interim       how many of the escaped
                                                                                                                                government has given           inmates in Arcahaie were
                                                                                                                                clear instructions to the      convicted of serious crimes
                                                                                                                                justice minister to “take      and how many were await-
                                                                                                                                all necessary measures to      ing trial.
                                                                                                                                remedy this unacceptable       Police asked jittery residents
                                                                                                                                situation.”                    of the coastal area to fol-
                                                                                                                                Judge Henry Claude Louis-      low authorities’ instructions
                                                                                                                                Jean said Saturday that        during the manhunt.
                                                                                                                                the escapees stole an un-      The U.S. Embassy advised
                                                                                                                                known number of weap-          all American citizens to
                                                                                                                                ons and some exchanged         avoid the area. q

Colombia airline resumes Caracas flights after scare 

JOSHUA GOODMAN                 bian Defense Ministry said       statement saying it would                                       past decade as Venezue-        political overtones to the
Associated Press               in a statement.The Avianca       resume flights to Venezuela                                     la’s role as Latin America’s   incident.“These maneu-
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) —        pilot immediately notified       on Sunday “following clari-                                     leftist stalwart has clashed   vers put in serious risk the
Colombia’s flagship airline    Colombian aviation au-           fications between the gov-                                      with Colombia’s tradition-     lives of the passengers on
briefly grounded all flights   thorities and sharply divert-    ernments of Colombia and                                        ally staunch support for       the plane,” said Rodrigo
to Caracas after a Ven-        ed from the flight path. Four    Venezuela.”                                                     the United States.The two      Lara, president of the gov-
ezuela air force plane flew    minutes later, the military      Venezuelan officials had                                        countries’ foreign ministers   ernment-aligned Radical
close to a passenger jet,      aircraft split away and the      not commented publicly                                          spoke to each other and        Change party. “It’s more
but the company said Sat-      jetliner resumed its course,     on the incident, which                                          Maduro, who is on a multi-     evidence of the unpredict-
urday it was resuming ser-     the ministry said.More than      comes amid a tension-filled                                     nation tour of the Middle      ability of Nicolas Maduro’s
vice following clarifications  90 minutes after the flight      standoff between President                                      East, personally ordered an    government.”Avianca is
from the two governments.      landed safely in Bogota,         Nicolas Maduro and his op-                                      investigation, the Colom-      one of the few foreign air-
An Avianca Boeing 787 on       Venezuela’s air defense          ponents over the decision                                       bian Defense Ministry said.    lines still serving Caracas
a flight from Madrid to Bo-    authorities told their Co-       to suspend a recall referen-                                    Defense Minister Luis Carlos   after a number of carriers
gota with some 200 pas-        lombian counterparts that        dum against the embattled                                       Villegas and his Venezuelan    slashed service or stopped
sengers aboard was cruis-      the military aircraft was on     socialist leader.                                               counterpart, Gen. Vladimir     selling tickets to Venezu-
ing at high altitude near      a routine patrol.Avianca         Maduro frequently accuses                                       Padrino, also spoke and        elans because Maduro’s
Venezuela’s western bor-       said it was halting flights      neighboring Colombia of                                         agreed to strengthen their     government, facing a se-
der with Colombia Friday       to Venezuela and would           plotting with his critics to                                    early warning communica-       vere cash crunch triggered
evening when a Venezue-        reroute several flights to       undermine his rule. Rela-                                       tions systems, the ministry    by low oil prices, hasn’t al-
lan military plane was spot-   Europe to avoid Venezu-          tions between the two na-                                       added.Colombians across        lowed them to repatriate
ted on radar flying a short    elan air space. But on Sat-      tions have been hit by a                                        the political spectrum ex-     some $3.8 billion in funds
distance away, the Colom-      urday, the airline issued a      number of crises over the                                       pressed alarm, attributing     held in the country. q
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