P. 1



                                 December 29, 2017
                                 T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper                                           Page 16

Democrat Jones Officially Declared Winner over Roy Moore

By KIM CHANDLER                  Documents to certify the 2017 Special Election for U.S. Senator sit on a table, Thursday, Dec. 28, 2017, in Montgomery, Ala. Democrat
Associated Press                 Doug Jones’ historic victory over Republican Roy Moore was declared official Thursday as Alabama election officials certified him
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)            the winner of the special Senate election earlier this month, despite claims of voter irregularities from his opponent.
— Democrat Doug Jones’
historic victory over Repub-                                                                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson)
lican Roy Moore was de-
clared official Thursday as
Alabama election officials
certified him the winner of
the special Senate elec-
tion, despite Moore’s last-
minute lawsuit claiming
voter fraud.
Jones defeated Moore on
Dec. 12 by 21,924 votes
in a stunning victory in a
traditionally red state, be-
coming the first Alabama
Democrat elected to the
Senate victory in a quar-
ter-century. The win came
after Moore, best known
for stands against gay
marriage and the public
display of the Ten Com-
mandments, was dogged
by accusations of sexual
misconduct involving teen-
age girls that occurred de-
cades ago.

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