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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Friday, June 10, 2016

Party Time

President Barack Obama, flanked by Jonathan Legessee, left, and Kevin Melgar, has lunch with participants in the White House Mentorship and Leadership Program,
Thursday, June 9, 2016, in the Diplomatic Room of the White House in Washington. Testifying to Hillary Clinton’s grit and experience, Obama endorsed his former
secretary of state’s bid to succeed him on Thursday and urged Democrats to line up behind her.

                                                                                                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

   With Careful Staging, Obama Backs Clinton for President

K. HENNESSEY                  hind her. It was all part of    a forceful call for unity and  know Hillary will be so good  senator’s so-called politi-
K. THOMAS                     a carefully orchestrated        for “embracing” Sanders’       at it,” Obama said. “I have   cal revolution — one that
Associated Press              pressure campaign aimed         economic message, which        seen her judgment.            will not include him taking
WASHINGTON (AP) — Tes-        at easing Clinton rival Ber-    has fired up much of the       I have seen her toughness.    up residence at the White
tifying to Hillary Clinton’s  nie Sanders toward the exit     liberal wing of his party.     I’ve seen her commitment      House.
grit and experience, Presi-   and turning fully to the fight  Obama sought to reassure       to our values.”               Sanders emerged from the
dent Barack Obama en-         against Republican Donald       Democrats that Clinton         Obama’s testimonial came      meeting subdued and indi-
dorsed his former secretary   Trump.                          shares their values and is     less than an hour after the   cated he had gotten the
of state’s bid to succeed     Obama’s long-expected           ready for the job.             president met privately with  message.
him on Thursday and urged     endorsement, delivered          “Look, I know how hard this    Sanders at the White House
Democrats to line up be-      via  web video  , included      job can be. That’s why I       to discuss the future of the        Continued on Page 3
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