P. 2
UP FRONTFriday 10 June 2016
Setbacks mounting for IS in Syria, Iraq, Libya Israeli options may be limited
after deadly Tel Aviv shootingÂ
ZEINA KARAM Aleppo province and is a warplanes, he said.
SUSAN GEORGE waypoint on an IS supply “Daesh is preparing for a JOSEF FEDERMAN
Associated Press line between Raqqa and battle inside the city,†Bali Associated Press
BEIRUT (AP) — U.S.-backed the Turkish frontier. said, using an Arabic ac- JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel imposed travel restrictions
fighters in Syria converged In a sign of the town’s per- ronym for the IS group. SDF Thursday on tens of thousands of Palestinians and
from three sides on an Is- ceived significance, the official Nasser Haj Mansour sent hundreds of additional troops into the West Bank
lamic State stronghold near SDF’s advances were ac- said Wednesday about in response to a deadly shooting at a popular Tel
the Turkish border Thursday, companied by intense 15,000 civilians had fled. Aviv tourist spot. But as the nation’s leaders vowed
tough responses, they stopped short of taking wider-
Fighters take a selfie while firing artillery during fight against Islamic State militants in Fallujah, Iraq. scale military action.
The anti-IS offensive poses a significant challenge to the extremist group as it tries to stave off at- The attack has presented Israel’s newly configured
tacks across parts of Syria and Iraq, where it declared a so-called caliphate in 2014, and in more Cabinet, and its firebrand new defense minister, with
recently seized territory in chaotic Libya. its first big test. A relatively muted response by Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Security Cabinet re-
(AP Photo/Anmar Khalil) flected the lack of options that Israel seems to have
as it grapples with a nine-month wave of violence.
while Iraqi special forces airstrikes from the U.S.-led A statement by the Military The shooting, carried out by two West Bank Pales-
pushed deeper into Fal- coalition battling the IS Council of the City of Man- tinians, was among the deadliest and most brazen
lujah, one of the last bas- militants. The U.S. Central bij, which is part of the SDF, attacks since violence erupted last September. Tel
tions of the militant group in Command said the coali- said all roads from the east, Aviv’s Sarona district, a popular shopping and res-
western Iraq. tion has conducted more north and south have been taurant area, was packed with people enjoying a
In Libya, IS militants were than 105 strikes in support cut. warm evening outdoors when it was targeted late
fleeing their stronghold of of the battle to liberate Its forces are now close Wednesday. Four people were killed.
Sirte as forces loyal to a Manbij. enough to target IS militants After Thursday’s Security Cabinet meeting, Netanya-
U.N.-brokered government The airstrikes recalled the inside the town, but they hu went to the site of the attack and said Israel would
advanced, with some battle for the Kurdish town are holding off storming it prevail in its struggle against Palestinian militants.
fighters reportedly cutting of Kobani in northern Syria. to avoid civilian casualties, “This nation is strong. They will not defeat us,†he said,
off beards and long hair to That campaign saw hun- the statement added. accusing Palestinian leaders of failing to condemn
blend in with civilians. dreds of U.S. airstrikes to The Britain-based Syr- the attack. “That just reminds us who and what we
The anti-IS offensives posed support Kurdish forces who ian Observatory for Human face. We will win.â€
a significant challenge to wrested Kobani from IS in Rights said SDF fighters are Netanyahu has repeatedly blamed Palestinian in-
the extremist group as it January 2015 after four about 800 meters (yards) citement for fueling the ongoing violence. The Pal-
tries to stave off multiple at- months of fighting that left from the last main road link- estinians say the fighting stems from frustration over
tacks across parts of Syria the town in ruins. ing Manbij with the city of nearly 50 years of Israeli military occupation.
and Iraq, where it declared Since then, members of Aleppo. At least 132 IS mili- In the West Bank, Palestinian President Mahmoud Ab-
a so-called caliphate in the U.S. and French military tants, 21 SDF fighters and 37 bas issued a statement condemning violence, but
2014, and in more recently have joined in to advise the civilians have been killed made no direct reference to the Tel Aviv shootings.
seized territory in chaotic anti-IS forces in northern since the SDF offensive be- “The presidency has repeatedly emphasized that it
Libya. Syria. gan on May 31, the Obser- stands against attacks on civilians, regardless of their
If the U.S.-backed Syria Syrian journalist Mustafa vatory said. sources or justifications,†the statement said.
Democratic Forces cap- Bali, who visited the front In France, an official con- Throughout the fighting, Abbas, an opponent of vi-
ture Manbij, it will be the lines in Manbij, told The As- firmed that French special olence, has stopped short of explicitly criticizing at-
biggest strategic defeat for sociated Press the extrem- forces are offering training tacks on Israel, arguing that Israel bears responsibility
IS in Syria since July 2015, ists didn’t appear to be and advice to SDF fighters. for the bloodshed and wary that he could be seen
when it lost the border town preparing to withdraw from The French forces are with as weak by his people.
of Tal Abyad, a major sup- the town as they had from SDF fighters who are fight- In Israel’s initial response to the shooting, COGAT, an
ply route to the militants’ other areas. ing IS, according to the of- Israeli defense body, said early Thursday that it had
de facto capital of Raqqa. On Wednesday, black ficial from French Defense frozen 83,000 permits for Palestinians in the West Bank
Manbij, which had a pre- smoke covered Manbij as Ministry. to visit relatives in Israel during the current Muslim holy
war population of 100,000, militants set tires ablaze in month of Ramadan. Special Ramadan permits were
is one of the largest IS-held an apparent attempt to Continued on page 27 also suspended for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to
urban areas in northern cut visibility from coalition travel out of the blockaded territory and to attend
prayers at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
The army also announced that it had deployed
two additional battalions — comprising hundreds of
troops from infantry and special forces units — to the
West Bank.
Among the participants in the Israeli Cabinet meet-
ing was the new defense minister, Avigdor Lieber-
man, the leader of an ultranationalist party known
for his hard-line views toward the Palestinians.
“I promise that everyone who was involved in this
murderous terror attack will not evade punishment
and we will reach them and bring them to justice,â€
he said.
Despite the tough language, the Cabinet an-
nounced no additional action.
Even amid widespread anger over the shooting, Is-
raeli officials appear to have few choices for con-
fronting the violence that has killed 32 Israelis and
some 200 Palestinians since September. q