P. 3
Friday 10 June 2016
Amid fundraising worries, Trump gathers potential donorsÂ
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump smiles as supporters cheer during a news con- expensive, national gen- and Senate GOP candi-
ference at the Trump National Golf Club Westchester, in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. eral election campaign, dates. Traditionally, a can-
however, requires a far didate’s fundraising op-
(Photo/Mary Altaffer) bigger operation, so the eration is launched months
Trump campaign signed before a candidacy is de-
JONATHAN LEMIRE that his late-starting cash “We have enough to win,†a joint-fundraising agree- clared.
Associated Press collecting would be out- Manafort said. ment with the Republican Some traditional Repub-
NEW YORK (AP) — Pre- gunned by Hillary Clinton’s. Trump loved to boast dur- National Committee last lican donors have been
sumptive GOP presidential “We’ll raise what we need ing the primaries that he month. slow to open their wallets to
candidate Donald Trump to raise,†Paul Manafort, was self-funding his cam- But the Trump campaign Trump and there has been
on Thursday summoned al- the campaign’s chief strat- paign — though he also has been slow to raise concern that the candi-
lies and Republican Party egist, told reporters after a did accept donations — money, only scheduling date’s recent criticisms of a
heavyweights to kick off lunch meeting. He suggest- and he poured in more a few fundraisers. He had federal judge would be an
a general election fund- ed that the money needed than $40 million of his own previously said he wanted obstacle to giving. Trump
raising operation and push to win the race is “not as money into the bare-bones to raise $1 billion for the had suggested that an In-
back against the notion much as people think.†campaign. The move to an battle against Clinton, the diana-born judge of Mexi-
presumptive Democratic can decent overseeing the
nominee, but this week fraud case into Trump Uni-
said he would be aiming to versity would not be impar-
raise far less. tial because the celebrity
“I think Donald is learning businessman wants to build
how to be a candidate,†a wall along the U.S. south-
said John Catsimatidis, a ern border.
billionaire oil refinery owner New Jersey Governor Chris
who has donated to both Christie, a Trump backer
parties and ran for mayor as who attended Thursday’s
a Republican in 2013. “He’s 60-person meeting, said of
a very bright guy. He’s very Trump’s remarks about the
fast on his feet. And he re- judge: “’People make mis-
ally loves America.†takes and then they take it
The Manhattan meeting back,†according to Catsi-
at Trump Tower kicked off matidis. Catsimatidis said
the Trump Victory Fund, the Trump boasted of his abil-
joint cash-raising operation ity to get free media cov-
with the RNC that plans to erage, negating the need
gather money both for his to run a costly advertising
candidacy and for House campaign. q
With careful staging, Obama backs Clinton, nudges SandersÂ
Continued from front a signal to Sanders’ pro- Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally in Lynwood, Calif. Testifying to
gressive supporters that it’s Hillary Clinton’s grit and experience, Obama endorsed his former secretary of state’s bid to suc-
Although he stopped short time to unite around the ceed him on Thursday and urged Democrats to line up behind her.
of endorsing Clinton, the party’s presumptive nomi-
Vermont senator told re- nee. (AP Photo/John Locher)
porters he planned to press Warren’s endorsement
for his “issues†— rather was to come Thursday public culmination of that video at the White House Sanders earlier in the week
than victory — at the par- evening in an appearance work. on Tuesday, before Clin- that it was coming. Sand-
ty’s July convention and on MSNBC, according to The White House taped ton claimed victory in the ers came prepared with his
would meet with Clinton two Senate officials who Obama’s endorsement primary, and had alerted statement.q
“in the near future†to dis- demanded anonymity to
cuss ways to defeat Trump. confirm the news ahead of
“Needless to say, I am go- time.
ing to do everything in my Clinton declared victory
power and I will work as over Sanders on Tuesday,
hard as I can to make sure having captured the num-
that Donald Trump does ber of delegates needed
not become president of to become the first female
the United States,†Sanders nominee from a major
said, standing in the White party. Her late and some-
House driveway with his what sputtering victory set
wife, Jane, at his side. off a fresh round of private
In another sign of Demo- phone calls and back-
cratic unification, Sen. channel negotiations, all
Elizabeth Warren made aimed at sussing out Sand-
plans to endorse Clinton. ers’ demands, easing him
The Massachusetts senator out of the race without
had been the only holdout angering his die-hard sup-
among the Senate’s Dem- porters and putting the full-
ocratic woman, and her court press on Trump.
endorsement would send Obama’s endorsement
and Sanders’ visit were the