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U.S. NEWSFriday 10 June 2016


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2 who backed Stanford swimmer in sex assault case apologize 

Brock Turner, right, makes his way into the Santa Clara Superior Courthouse in Palo Alto, Calif.  Taking into account more       judges to consider before
                                                                                                  than three dozen letters       sentencing. One of them
With outcry growing against those who stood by Turner, who sexually assaulted an unconscious      from character witnesses       came from Kelly Owens,
                                                                                                  and a recommendation           a guidance counselor at
woman, a childhood friend and a high school guidance counselor have apologized for writing        from the county probation      Oakwood High School in
                                                                                                  department, Santa Clara        Dayton, Ohio, where Turner
letters of support urging leniency for Brock Turner.                                              County Judge Aaron Per-        attended.
                                                                                                  sky sentenced Turner to        She had told the court that
                                                      (Dan Honda/San Jose Mercury News via AP)    six months in jail and three   her former student was
                                                                                                  years’ probation for at-       “absolutely undeserving of
KRISTIN J. BENDER             ance counselor have apol- ics who say they are shifting             tacking the intoxicated        the outcome” of a jury trial
                                                                                                  23-year-old woman behind       that resulted in his convic-
Associated Press              ogized for writing letters of blame from a 20-year-old              a campus dumpster in Jan-      tion of three felony counts
                                                                                                  uary 2015. He cited Turner’s   of sexual assault.
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) support urging leniency for who won’t take responsi-                           clean criminal record and      “I plead with you to con-
                                                                                                  the effect the conviction      sider the good things — the
— With outcry growing Brock Turner.                          bility for his actions, while a      will have on his life.         positive contributions — he
                                                                                                  The term triggered criticism   can make to his commu-
against those who stood by The case against the one- searing message the victim                   that a star athlete from a     nity if given a chance to re-
                                                                                                  privileged background had      claim his life,” Owens wrote.
a former Stanford Univer- time Olympic hopeful has read to Turner at his sen-                     gotten special treatment.      She regrets writing a letter
                                                                                                  Prosecutors had asked for      to the judge and acknowl-
sity swimmer who sexually gripped the country, with tencing has been called                       six years in prison.           edged it was a mistake, her
                                                                                                  Turner will only serve three   school district said in a pre-
assaulted an unconscious letters to a judge from a courageous account of                          months behind bars, with       pared statement Wednes-
                                                                                                  his expected release date      day.
woman, a childhood friend Turner’s family and friends the effect the assault has                  listed as Sept. 2, according   “Of course he should be
                                                                                                  to online inmate records.      held accountable,” Oak-
and a high school guid- drawing outrage from crit- had on her life.                               County jail inmates serve 50   wood City School District
                                                                                                  percent of their sentences     Superintendent Kyle Ra-
                                                                                                  if they keep a clean disci-    mey quotes Owens as say-
                                                                                                  plinary record.                ing. “I am truly sorry for the
                                                                                                  Calls to the county Depart-    additional pain my letter
                                                                                                  ment of Correction weren’t     has caused.”
                                                                                                  immediately returned Thurs-    Ramey declined to com-
                                                                                                  day. Defendants can solicit    ment beyond his statement
                                                                                                  letters of support from fam-   or make Owens available
                                                                                                  ily, friends and others for    for an interview.q

Police commissioner: Witnesses to teen slaying must step up 

BOSTON (AP) — Boston’s        Step forward. Have some        the victims’ names.                  Students said they heard       said. Victoria Johnson, a
police commissioner on        courage and solve this         “We know there are stu-              six or seven shots just after  student at the school, said
Thursday admonished stu-      one.”                          dents that know exactly              a fire alarm went off inside   she was friends with the
dents at a city high school   There have been no ar-         what happened,” Evans                the school, but the shoot-     teen who was killed. She
for not coming forward        rests in the brazen daylight   said at the school as May-           ing and alarm appear to        told WBZ-TV that she had
with information about the    shooting Wednesday out-        or Marty Walsh and school            be unconnected, Evans          just said goodbye to him.
fatal shooting of a 17-year-  side a pizza parlor just down  Superintendent Tommy                 said.                          “He just gave me a hug
old classmate.                the street from Jeremiah       Chang looked on.                     Additional grief counselors    and said ‘stay safe.’ That’s
“Enough with this stop        Burke High School that         Evans said the shooting              have been brought into         what we say every day
snitching stuff,” Commis-     left three other people in-    may have been sparked                the school to help students    when we leave school,”
sioner William Evans said.    jured: two other teens and     by some sort of earlier dis-         cope, Chang said.              Johnson said. “He gave me
“We’ve got a mother who       a 67-year-old woman. Au-       pute, but it remains under           “Our job is to bring normal-   a hug and I said the same
lost her 17-year-old son.     thorities have not released    investigation.                       cy to this school today,” he   back to him.”q
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