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Diasabra 25 Juni 2016                                                                                         Pagina 13

When Pantelides was asked if he would change            at expanding and improving the operating              and the great variety that Cyprus offers,
his hotel to all-inclusive, he instinctively declined.  period and occupancy rates of licensed hotels         experience the local culture and get in touch with
He is adamant that if hotel owners join forces          and tourist accommodation establishments,             the local people.” He further accounts for the
and agree not to go all-inclusive, the industry will    improving competitiveness of the tourist industry     adoption of the all-inclusive concept as a matter
revive. “Most hotel owners accept all-inclusive         of Cyprus.             of business decision-making and states that if
demands from travel agents because they have            curse-of-all-inclusive/ You created this PDF          not offered by hotels in a destination, hotels in
no option. We are killing our industry and country      from an application that is not licensed to print     competing ones will do so.
as we rely on tourism and agents to promote             to novaPDF printer (
Cyprus. Agents are only keen on profits, if             3          “On our part, we will continue to consistently
Cyprus did stop all-inclusive, they would move          inclusive/                                            improve our tourist product and therefore give
on to the next country.”                                                                                      solid reasons and strong motives to visitors to
                                                        High on the agenda is upgrading the appearance        get out of the hotels and put more effort to ensure
“We have a beautiful Island, sun, beautiful             of the built environment in the tourist areas,        high and consistent levels of quality in the hotels
coastal views, great hospitality and low crime          particularly as regards crucial aspects such as       that offer all-inclusive,” Hannides concludes.
rate which is unique to other countries. Service        cleanliness and the enhancement and upgrading
and hospitality marked Cyprus as one of the             of the environment. Plans are in place to promote     Hoteliers Association Support
best holiday destinations for years and now with        professionalism among tourist service providers
the rapid growth of all-inclusive this theory is on     and to cultivate and promote awareness of the         Zacharias Ioannides Director General Cyprus
the demise,” he clearly states.                         importance of tourism and hospitality among the       Hotel Association says, “Our responsibility to
                                                        Cypriot population as a whole. The CTO claim          our members is to promote and develop tourism
Tourism Strategic Plan 2011-2015                        to putting                                            collaborating with our partners abroad. Our
                                                                                                              objective is to meet the requirements of tourists
On the basis of the results of the Passengers           continuous and hard effort in order to successfully   to ensure their satisfaction. We have observed
Survey, arrivals of tourists reached 54,772             implement their strategy’s analytical action          the current trend is the attraction for all inclusive
in December 2012, compared to 65,339 in                 plans. However, it is a fact that the current         hotel holidays which creates a higher segment
December 2011, thus recording a decrease of             economic situation, the financial tightening and      growth, meeting with specific requirements for
16.2%. A decrease of 20.0% was recorded                 the serious cuts in their budget, have resulted in    the hotels and tourists.”
in tourist arrivals from the United Kingdom             reduced promotional and advertising presence in
(16,847 in December 2012 compared to 21,054             markets, as well as a postponement or reduction       He explained that packages of this nature
in December 2011) and 11.1% decrease from               in magnitude of specific strategic actions.           provide the average tourist with the comfort of
Greece (9,050 compared to 10,182 last year). An                                                               budgeting, especially for
Increase of 1.4% in tourist arrivals                    Marios Hannides, Director General of the CTO
                                                        says, ‘It is logical that in times of reduced         family holidays.
was recorded from Russia.                               disposable income, all-inclusive holidays appear
                                                        as an economically attractive and enticing option     Ioannides admits that here has been a negative
“In an era of doom and gloom in Cyprus, it is           that suits price conscious people, who want to        effect on local restaurants and retail outlets
encouraging to hear that Cyprus is expected to          know in advance the total cost of their vacation,     and that the Association needs to therefore
attract an increased number of tourist arrivals in      even before they book their trip. The all-inclusive   encourage hotels to promote excursions to
2013”, Minister Efthymios Flourenzou stated.            trend is accordingly increasing worldwide and it      Cypriot villages, for guests to become acquainted
                                                        is expected to continue to do so. In this respect,    with the beautiful Cypriot culture and lifestyle.
The newly established direct flights between            hoteliers are urged to comply with the relevant
Cyprus and Ukraine, as well as bookings                 demands of the Tour Operators, as the latter are      Whilst the budget holidaymaker capitalises on
made so far from Russia and Britain, justify his        driven by market demand.”                             all-inclusive, it’s impossible for the concept of
optimism.                                                                                                     the all-inclusive hotels to survive. Competing on
                                                        Hannides expresses that it is a fact that local       the cost of hotel accommodation by attracting a
The CTO – Cyprus Tourism Organisation, is               businesses surrounding the hotels are negatively      low budget holidaymaker, results
currently implementing the Tourism Strategic            affected and that there is a dilution of positive
Plan for the years 2011-2015, which focuses             effects of tourism on the local economies.            in an average allocation of 3 Euros a day per
on several areas of product development,                                                                      person for the supply of all food and beverages.
marketing, services and quality in all links of         He continues to say that “it is also true that the    The outcome of this will cause a serious
the tourist value chain aiming to provide an            all-inclusive concept is not compatible with a        economical low for the hotel industry, creating
enriched, multi-dimensional holiday experience.         strategic vision that calls for people to get out of  employment cuts or lowering the quality of
The plan incorporates proposals, which aim              the hotel and experience the multidimensionality      hospitality staff in favour of cheap labour.

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