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LOCALSaturday 25 June 2016

Team Aruba Goes to Back-to-Back Finals
ORANJESTAD/UNION, S.C. -          finals where Eman would            end up tagging the left re-       age to the car was easily re-    “They put everything aside
Back to back events gener-        face reigning champ, Cary          taining wall. Nothing major,      pairable.”                       to help us get our equipment
ally make for a hectic few        Goforth. Once again, Eman          but, as we all know, as soon      Although damage to the           fixed in record time. Without
weeks under the best of cir-      was out of the gate first, an      as that happens you are dis- Mustang was            their help we would have
cumstances. For Team Aru-         .011 light to Goforth’s slower     qualified.”                       minimal the team was also        had a hard time making it to
ba, however, the week in be-      .037. The Mus-           Eman and team would set-          short on time to make the        this weekend’s IHRA Cana-
tween the IHRA President’s                                                                             necessary body and en-           dian Nationals. These guys
Cup Nationals and Cana-           tang was making it a tight         tle for a runner up finish at     gine repairs. They would         understand that we have
dian Nationals has turned         race to the finish line before     the President’s Cup Nation-       have to be in Grand Bend,        two very important partners,
into a major thrash. Highs        the weekend’s second hur-          als, making it their second       Ontario, Canada the very         Aruba Tourism Authority and
and lows have marked their        dle presented itself.              consecutive final round ap-       next Thursday. Thanks to the     Aruba Airport Authority N.V.,
two-race quest, proving the       The car kept pulling to the        pearance. “From swapping          help of friend, David Linder,    whom we are fully commit-
determination of the team is      left,” Eman relayed. “I was        engines and making it to          and Team Aruba’s engine          ted to, along with promoting
not to be discounted.             trying to steer it back, but it    our qualifying round by the       builder, Jon Kaase, all repairs
At the President’s Cup Na-        just kept drifting to the wall. I  skin of our teeth to then go      were completed in just 48        our island and its airport. We
tionals, just outside of Balti-   thought to myself in the car,      to the finals was still satisfy-  hours.
more, Maryland at Maryland        it will either come back to        ing, despite the incident,”       “Jon Kaase took our broken       were determined to make it
International Raceway, the        the groove or I am going to        Eman said, retaining his posi-    primary motor straight from
team ran into its first hurdle    scrape the wall, but I wanted      tive outlook. “It put us into     Maryland to his shop where       to the Canadian Nationals.
when their number one en-         us to win so bad I wasn’t giv-     the number two spot in the        the whole gang of guys at
gine broke during qualifying.     ing up. Unfortunately we did       points chase and the dam-         Jon Kaase Racing Engines         Racing in Canada is a first for
They switched to the backup                                                                            jumped on it and got it re-
motor and completed the                                                                                paired in two days time,”        us and we can’t wait to get
swap just in time to make the                                                                          Eman added. “We had the
final qualifying session on Sat-                                                                       motor back at our shop in        to know the fans and talk to
urday evening. While some                                                                              South Carolina by Wednes-
of Pro Stock’s biggest names                                                                           day afternoon.                   them about Aruba.
failed to make the tough                                                                               “On Monday morning when
field, the team from ‘The                                                                              we made it back to our shop,     “We are coming off of back
One Happy Island’ powered                                                                              a good friend of ours, David
into the number 6 spot with                                                                            Linder, from Cowpens, South      to back final round appear-
a 6.319 effort. From there,                                                                            Carolina came to assess the
driver Trevor Eman led the                                                                             damage to the          ances and plan on making
way with hole shot wins. His                                                                           Mustang and got right on it
reaction time advantages,                                                                              and had the car fixed within     the third time the charm!”
coupled with their Jon Kaase                                                                           two days time.
Racing Engines power, got                                                                              “We are very grateful for        Watch Team Aruba as they
the team all the way to the                                                                            these guys,” Eman thanked.
                                                                                                                                        go for their third straight final

                                                                                                                                        as every run is broadcast live


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