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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Monday, May 9, 2016

Canadian Officials Hope to Put “Death Grip” on Fire 

(AP) — Officials said Sun-
day they reached a turn-
ing point in fighting an
enormous wildfire, hop-
ing to get a “death grip’”
on the blaze that devas-
tated  Canada’s  oil sands
town of Fort McMurray
amid cooler temperatures.
Meanwhile, a massive
evacuation of residents
displaced by the blaze
came to an end.

Evacuees watch the wildfire near Fort McMurray, Alberta. Officials said Sunday they reached a turning point in fighting the enor-
mous wildfire, hoping to get a “death grip’” on the blaze.

                                                                                                                              (Jason Franson/The Canadian Press via AP)

Chad Morrison of Alberta        “We can really get in there  yes when asked if they’ve     able to put out hot spots.
Wildfire told a news con-       and really get a handle      reached a turning point.      And it has allowed them to
ference he’s “very happy”       on this fire and really get  With cooler temperatures      further protect fire-ravaged
and called it great firefight-  a death grip on it,” said    in the next three or four     Fort McMurray.
ing weather.                    Morrison, who answered       days, firefighters should be
                                                                                                 Continued on Page 3
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