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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Tuesday, June 21, 2016
In this June 9, 2016 photo, Donald Trump’s then-campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, left, leaves the Four Seasons hotel in New York after a GOP fundraiser. Trump
has forced out his hard-charging campaign manager, Lewandowski, in a dramatic shakeup designed to calm panicked Republican leaders and reverse one of the
most tumultuous stretches of Trump’s unconventional White House bid.Â
(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)
You’re Fired: Lewandowski Out as Trump Campaign Manager
JILL COLVIN a departure from the seat- cern among the GOP’s top ening relationship with the reluctant to support him,
STEVE PEOPLES of-the-pants style that has donors, operatives, elected Republican National Com- the person said. Trump at
Associated Press fueled his unlikely rise in Re- officials, and even some of mittee, donors and GOP least partially blamed Le-
NEW YORK (AP) — Donald publican politics. Perhaps Trump’s family members. officials, who have increas- wandowski.
Trump abruptly fired cam- more than anyone else in “The campaign needs to ingly criticized the candi- People close to Trump, in-
paign manager Corey Le- Trump’s inner circle, the continue to grow to be suc- date in recent weeks. That cluding adult children Ivan-
wandowski on Monday in ousted aide has preached cessful,†he said. person spoke on the condi- ka, Eric and Donald Jr., also
a dramatic shake-up de- a simple mantra: “Let Trump, the presumptive tion of anonymity because had long-simmering con-
signed to calm panicked Trump be Trump.†GOP presidential nomi- the person was not autho- cerns about Lewandowski,
Republican leaders and “I have no regrets,†Lewan- nee, did not address the rized to discuss internal de- who had limited experi-
end an internal power dowski told CNN, just hours move publicly on Monday. liberations. ence on the national scale
struggle plaguing the bil- after he was escorted out Spokeswoman Hope Hicks While Trump dismissed before becoming Trump’s
lionaire businessman’s un- of Trump’s Manhattan described the departure his critics publicly, he has campaign leader. Some of
conventional White House campaign headquarters. merely as a “parting of been privately concerned them were among those
bid. In dismissing his long- Still, the former conserva- ways.†that so many party lead- urging the billionaire busi-
time campaign chief — just tive activist seemed to ac- A person close to Trump ers — House Speaker Paul nessman to change tactics
a month before the party’s knowledge the limitations said Lewandowski was Ryan and Senate Majority for the general election.
national convention, Trump of his approach, which has forced out largely because Leader Mitch McConnell
signaled, at least for a day, sparked widespread con- of the campaign’s wors- among them — have been Continued on Page 4