Page 9 - WEB 29 APRIL 2016
P. 9

                                                                                                                        Friday 29 April 2016

Aqua 48 Continues To Support the Local Community

ORANJESTAD - Last Mon-          planted in water, without         Aqua48 for the upcoming      other things, language and      Hence a call to the general
day, April 25, Aqua 48          soil and with adequate nu-        quarter has been desig-      speech therapy, a program       public to support this cause
(Aqua for Aid) handed           trients and lighting. This proj-  nated to the category of     to help children who have       by drinking Aqua48 in every
over its second donation        ect will start with a talk for    ‘People with limitations’.   difficulty studying with their  participating restaurant.
originating from water sold     the children and the care-        ‘Fundacion Siñami Paso       homework and a program          More information with
at various participating        takers. Afterwards, the chil-     pa Paso Aruba, was the       through which to stimulate      regard to the goal and
restaurants. The donation                                                                                                      projects of Aqua48 can
went to ‘Stichting Kinder-      dren themselves will plant        one chosen. This is a foun-  babies and children from        be found on the website
huis Imeldahof Aruba’ (A        the seeds and take care of        dation that offers special-  an early age. In July of this Here you
home for children who           the plants to ultimately en-      ized guidance for children   year Aqua48 hopes to be         can also find an explana-
cannot live at home any-        joy the delicious greens.         and adults with a limita-    able to hand over a large       tion on how charitable or-
more because of various         The next donation by              tion. They offer, among      donation for this project.      ganizations can apply for a
reasons). During a pleasant                                                                                                    donation. The donations by
gathering at Imeldahof,                                                                                                        Aqua48 are made possible
the Director of Aqua48, Ed-                                                                                                    thanks to the support of
win Hekman, together with                                                                                                      various organizations. WEB
representatives of WEB,                                                                                                        Aruba supports this project
CEDE Aruba and represen-                                                                                                       financially and through ad-
tatives of The Old Cunucu                                                                                                      vertising. CEDE Aruba helps
House handed over the                                                                                                          with the practical realiza-
cheque for an educational                                                                                                      tion of the requests for a
project geared towards a                                                                                                       donation. Aqua48 receives
sustainable plantation sys-                                                                                                    support in the advertising
tem for children of Imelda-                                                                                                    department from various
hof. Aqua 48 is an initiative                                                                                                  businesses as well, among
whereby consumers who                                                                                                          others, EasyFM, PowerFM
order a glass of water at                                                                                                      and
a restaurant can choose
between free water and
Aqua 48, which costs Afls.
1.00 and has free refills.
Every quarter, a commit-
tee in charge of designat-
ing the respective funds,
together with represen-
tatives from WEB Aruba,
CEDE Aruba and the par-
ticipating restaurants de-
cide on the allocation of
the donation by Aqua48.
For the first donation it was
decided that they would
honor the request from
SABA for recliner chairs. This
time they collected funds
for the educational project
with regard to a sustain-
able plantation system for
the children of ‘Kinderhuis
During this gathering, the
director of Imeldahof, Ms.
Natalia Hernandez, gave
an explanation of the edu-
cational project which will
surely contribute to the
sustainable education of
the children of Imeldahof.
The project entails the in-
stallation of a Hydropon-
ics system. This is a system
through which plants are
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